[center][u][b]Introduction[/b][/u][/center] Welcome to New Peaks High, known simply as Fight School! Normal classes do exist, but I can assume that's not what you're here for. No, we're only interested in the many fights to be had; officially sanctioned or otherwise, 1 vs. 1, team battles, or even tournaments, all taking place within the same continuity. Friendships and rivalries will be formed. Great victories and bitter defeats experienced. For better of for worse, the memories of your adventures while attending New Peaks High for these four years will last a lifetime, molding you from a nobody to a champion worthy of worldwide recognition. English is the official language of communication. The high school is located on a private island off in the Pacific Ocean, having the highest percentage of American and Japanese students there but only at around 25% each, allowing the remaining 50% to be from all around the world. Almost all of the world's fighting styles are represented here, including a few new styles. This thread's IC will be used for practice fighting not in any official format. That being said it could include training montages, students talking to each other while lightly exercising, getting instructed by the teachers, etc. However, other threads would be created for the actual matches. [center][u][b]The Challenge Board[/b][/u][/center] Fights between students, from 1 vs. 1 to a team battle of any number of students, can be done at any time as long as someone submits a form to the Challenge Board, all student involved signs their name, and a stamp of approval is placed on the form. This will be represented in this OOC by the challenger posting this: "I, (insert here the name of the student you will be using as well as any other allies), challenge (name of any opposing students listed here) to a battle at Arena (insert the number here of any arena not being used at the same time in the storyline)." Everyone else involved must make it clear they will be participating and then I or another mod will approve it. A thread will then be created for your fight by the challenger with the following title: "Fight School: (Name of all students involved in the fight): Round #(number of the round. It will be round 1 if it's the first time these students have fought each other)" [center][u][b]Tournaments[/b][/u][/center] There's a school-wide tournament taking place every year at midterms and finals. All students are required to attend. If you don't want to or are not able to, however, we can just assume your character fought an NPC off screen and lost. Otherwise you guys can decide who you wish to fight amongst yourself. If no consensus can be made then it will be random seeding among anyone who hasn't gotten an opponent. Special tournaments may be created through popular demand with specific attributes in mind. For example, karate, UFC, etc. to have different rule sets then normal. Not everyone attends these, but must submit their intention to do so. I or another mod will create the thread for the tournaments so don't worry about the titles. It will be like this: "Fight School: (tournament name)" [center][u][b]Unsanctioned Fights[/b][/u][/center] This is always an option and you can ignore all the rules as long as everyone involved agrees on any deviations taking place. For example, you can agree on a fight to break out in the hallway, but if you want to pull a knife on them then make sure to ask for permission beforehand. The thread title should be the same as if this was a normal battle, but instead of saying "Round" you say "Fight". [center][u][b]Fighting System[/b][/u][/center] Every post besides the beginning three are comprised of first a reaction and then an action. The first two are introducing the characters to the battle where they cannot take any action against each other, then the third post is what starts the battle off, skipping the reaction step and jumping straight to the action. Reaction is going off of what your opponent has written in their latest post. If they are swinging their fist at you, for example, then you may use this opportunity to respond to this attack in any manner that you feel fit as long as it can reasonably occur. A reaction could also be receiving the hit, more then likely because you didn't have any other reasonable options available to you. This reaction portion of the post does not exist in the first post because there is nothing to react to. A special type of reaction is known as a counter. This is if your opponent is doing an action or sequence of actions that you can reasonably react and respond to before all of their actions written down in their post can complete. For example, they spin around while winding up their fist to telegraph a heavy handed blow to your face. If your character is able to hit them before they can do this entire action or sequence of actions (spinning around, winding their fist, and then punching, in this case), the reaction in your post can reflect this interruption and the rest of the actions your opponent had taking place after the counter are possibly void depending on realism. Let's use this wind up punch guy as an example. A speedster uses this opportunity to jab him in the stomach with a quick blow. However, this guy is huge and strong so is still able to get his punch off despite the counter. The more powerful you are, often the more durable and the more resistant to counters interrupting your attack, but the easier it is for said counters to hit and do some damage, even just a little, and they are not quick enough to pull of counters as easily, but if they do get a counter off somehow then it will probably have a huge effect. It's slower to react then act, so if someone is punching at you then odds are you cannot just stand there and counter them to hit with your own punch before theirs connects. That being said, counters will be rare and only when the clear opportunity provides itself. Otherwise, if you try to counter, odds are the judges will vote in the favor of the action winning out over this counter reaction. So that gets reactions out of the way. How about actions? Your action can come about as a result of your reaction already responding to your opponent. They reacted by blocking the punch with a open fist, for example, but now what? They need to take action rather then just react, and that's where the second part of your post comes in. A lot of the times the action and reaction can flow into one, responding to their attack by doing an attack in return right then and there. To make things easier on you to understand, any time you do an attack or anything not as a direct result of it will count as an action and not simply your reaction. You may do any number of actions in your post, but this opens you up to counters all the more easily, which may very well void a majority of your actions. For example, you have a guy who punches super fast, so you say he delivers 100 punches towards his opponent. If your opponent can reasonably avoid this at any point in time then your guy will be stuck doing 100 punches until your opponent decides to counter them, quite possibly stopping all punches that were still to come after the point where the counter was made, such as they latch onto their arm so they can no longer move it well enough to punch anymore. Charges are a type of action. The charged attack can start on the action of one turn and then be unleashed on any post after that as that post's action, being a more effective attack then had you not charged at all. You can still react before your charged attack as long as it wouldn't interrupt the charge. For example, a guy has his hand held back with static electricity forming in it. He can't react with that hand, but he could still side step an attack, use his free hand to block, etc. and then use his charged hand for his action. Charged attacks use up all of that post's action. Posts should be made as detailed as possible to avoid confusion. If you say something overly vague such as "I run up and attack him" then your opponent may ask you to clarify or, if you refuse for some reason, they can interpret your post however they see fit, assuming your attack can be a head butt to their shin and react accordingly if that's what they wish. That being said, the more you elaborate the less wiggle room they have. However, they can't abuse this by having them do things just because they didn't say they didn't. Judges attend fights to make sure nobody is abusing the rules. If no disagreements are made or able to be resolved between the participants then the judges don't have to be brought up. However, if there is something that can't otherwise be resolved then up to 2 judges for normal matches and up to 4 for tournaments (not controlled by any participants) may take part officially and any disagreement between them can be brought to the attention of the head judge (me or anyone elected to substitute for me). Unofficial input can be given by any number of people within the OOC. Judges can end the fight if they believe too much serious damage is being done to the students. [center][u][b]Ranking[/b][/u][/center] Students are ranked between E to S after showing their abilities through various tests encompassing every facet of what makes a skilled fighter. It's still possible for a rank E to beat a rank S, but that would be highly unlikely. E rank is for the average joe or below who has yet to receive much or any proper training. Every increase in rank is generally though of as being able to beat two of the rank below you. Therefore, a rank S should be able to beat a group of 32 rank Es because the number increases exponentially. All of this ranking is only relevant to fair fights, so a much smaller number of rank Es can pull out machineguns and take down a rank S. Students are often rank E to D in their first year, D to C in their second year, C to B in their third year, and B or A in their forth year. Rank S are the exceptionally skilled, people who received additional training after graduation, and/or are instructors, so most students never reach this rank. There's an additional 1 to 9 ranking after the letter for even more precise ranking, so a D9 would be close to C in rank while a C1 would be among the weakest of the C ranks. To increase in rank you must pass a test in a ceremony specifically designed to allow this. Even if you are as good as a C rank, for example, you'll stay a D9 until you pass. There's a ceremony every semester that you may take part in. [center][u][b]Grades[/b][/u][/center] This is just for fun for us but help explains why students fight more then just for fun. They get 50 out of 100 points from their normal classes and 25 points put into the fighting portion of the remaining 50. If they score a 70 they pass, but that requires near perfect scores going into the 50 possible points out of 100 for the academic portion, ending them with a 75 max had they not fought and scored 0 points in the tournaments. At least some of the 50 fighting points is necessary for most students, even among those of decent intelligence. You can loose and gain these 50 points, even loosing the 25 starting ones, but you can't loose or gain past the 50 fighting points. For every opponent you defeat of a lower rank you get 1 point, the same rank you get 4 points, one higher rank you get 8, two higher rank you get 16, times by 2 every time. If you loose then you loose the same number of points they gain. Team battles add all of the ranks together on both teams then treats the above calculations as normal. Everyone on the winning team one rank below the other team gets 8 points and everyone on the loosing team looses 8 points. It doesn't matter if you get incapacitated if your team still wins. If your character ends up failing then they can make it up in a much dreaded summer school training program. The lower your score is the more hard work you suffer through. [center][u][b]Magic and Power Levels[/b][/u][/center] Fighters are of similar power to what can be seen from many fighting games such as Street Fighter. There can be magical abilities of any kind as long as it isn't powerful enough to give you a definitive advantage over fighters without magic. For example, Blanka from Street Fighter can shoot electricity out of his skin, but he's still able to be defeated by someone without any such magical powers. His electricity cannot instantly fry their heart, it's not always on, not so fast nobody can see it coming and not able to avoid it, etc. There must be considerable disadvantages either to the magic or other qualities of the fighter to balance things out. Magic should also follow a theme, so no "I can do everything" magic. As for non-magical fighting, it will involve some suspension of disbelief. The fighters will be able to act around peak human and not blatantly break the laws of physics, although may have some highly unlikely fighting ability being demonstrated. For example of the style of what masters are capable of, check this out: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U4FuO99pYoQ]Click Me![/url]. You can be knocked back dramatically and slam into walls and still keep fighting, do flip kicks, run along walls for brief moments, etc. Obviously, for someone without magic, they'd probably be better at this sort of fighting in exchange. Vital Spirit is the energy of the soul that every living creature has. This can be used to hand wave certain normally lethal damage as only incapacitating then to help avoid accidentally killing each other too often. Of course people can still die, it's just harder to do so if they have [url= http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/PlotArmor]plot armor[/url] given to them by this excuse. The energy that provides for magic is called chi and aura is the detectible energy felt resonating from an opponent, often the tougher ones. [center][u][b]Alternative Lifeform[/b][/u][/center] Due to genetic experiments or magical influences, it's possible that some people have developed nonhuman features such as horns, tails, scales, four arms, etc. The term "Alternative Lifeform" is the politically correct one, but they can also be called things like half breeds, subhumans, beast folk, etc. Cases of alternative lifeforms are rare, especially in the "civilized world" such as participating in school, but there's nothing outright illegal about it...all the time. Just make sure they didn't get it through drinking the blood of innocents, on unwilling test subjects, etc. and it should be fine. Well, legally fine, but you still might be treated poorly by other students. Some animals are given intelligence and humanoid qualities this way, but due to how silly it might make things if kung fu ducks start appearing, I'm going to have to disallow stuff like this in most cases. [center][u][b]Arenas[/b][/u][/center] (Pictures will be provided soon as well as the addition of many more arenas, but it's getting late now so I'll just provide one brief example tonight. You guys can suggest arena ideas) Arena 1- A large circular arena made up of laminated flooring without any obstacles. Step out of the white circle and you loose. [center][u][b]Rules[/b][/u][/center] I can add more rules to this list as it comes to my attention. I may have forgotten some things. 1. No weapons are allowed in standard battles with the exception of magically created/summoned weapons. You may bring out any sort of weapons in unofficial battles, but only if your opponent (not necessarily their character) permits it. There are a few special tournaments that allow certain qualified weapons, such as [url= http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shinai]shinai[/url] for the kendo tournament, so if there are multiple characters who make use of the same weapon, ask me about it and I may organize a tournament for them. The weapon cannot be overly lethal such as blades. 2. No killing or damage that cannot heal within a week without permission from your opponent (almost certainly not their character). If you carry out an attack with such a capability, I or any fellow judge can stop them with 100% accuracy no matter what and your character will suffer realistic punishments. If it was an accident and only something that would wound and not kill them then it will be pretty lenient, but if your character is intentionally trying to kill their fellow students then don't expect them to be around very long unless they're really good at covering this up. They can still take part in unofficial battles though. There will be a very talented school nurse on site who can magically heal wounds most people can't, but is not able to heal everything. 3. No other official rules exist in battle besides the first two rules and stopping when the judges say to. Granted, rule number 2 does encompass quite a bit of things that would be illegal. 4. Don't keep your opponent waiting on a post for more then 3 days unless you give proper warning beforehand. If not then your opponent can deal moderate damage to them, but not enough to incapacitate them. If by the 7th day they still haven't posted, you may then incapacitate them. 5. Timed matches can be requested but do not come standard. They are in real fight time rather then the time it takes for people to post. 6. Winning the battle can be stopping them from being able to fight, getting them to surrender, withholding what would have been a fatal blow but making it evident that you could have done so, or knocking them out. Unlike real life, suspension of disbelief allows people to be knocked unconscious for extended periods without suffering traumatic brain injury (unless that is your desired outcome). Therefore, knockouts are treated as perfectly normal, valid methods of winning. 7. You may have as many characters as you'd like. 8. You may have a student transfer to the school at any time or just pretend they were always there. [center][u][b]Updates[/b][/u][/center] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/28628/posts/ooc?page=1#post-821636]Update #1[/url] [center][u][b]School I.D. Cards and Background Checks[/b][/u][/center] The following I.D. is for students [b]Name-[/b] [b]I.D. Number-[/b] (Come up with a random 8 digit one. I'll use to for random placement in seeding, for example) [b]Rank-[/b] (Every time they achieve a new rank they get a new I.D. card) [b]Year-[/b] (1 through 4) [b]Nationality-[/b] [b]Age-[/b] (Keep it high school, although some young prodigies or people who had to retake years can get a slightly wider age range then normal) [b]Gender-[/b] [b]Appearance-[/b] (Include a picture or description) You may also submit an I.D. for judges or instructors. Rather then "Grade", type in "Occupation", exclude Rank and I.D. number, and up their age limit to whatever. These guys and gals obviously don't fight normally. The instructors can be used most in this threads IC's for training students. You must also submit a background check under your I.D. card to include the following formation for all characters: [b]Fighting Style-[/b] (Include all fighting styles they train in. Also include here their in general fighting abilities) [b]Powers-[/b] [b]Personality-[/b] [b]Background-[/b] [center][u][b]Student Roster[/b][/u][/center] [s][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/28628/posts/ooc?page=2#post-846234]Vincento Sarconni de Palermo (Vincent for short) [/url][/s]-C6 Rank-Beta (Currently Banned from the forum) [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/28628/posts/ooc?page=2#post-846324]Hikaru Tsukuda [/url]-D3 Rank-ImportantNobody [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/28628/posts/ooc?page=5#post-899852]Ethan Aldurren and Alishia Singh[/url] -C1 Rank and D8 Rank-AlterNathan [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/28628/posts/ooc?page=6#post-934123]Shaya Ueshiba[/url] -D1 Rank-LillyDove [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/28628/posts/ooc?page=6#post-934166]Rourke Akane[/url] -C1 Rank-LillyDove [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/28628/posts/ooc?page=6#post-934286]Hasegawa Kyouka[/url] -C1 Rank-Masaki Haruna [center][u][b]Faculty List[/b][/u][/center] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/28628/posts/ooc?page=1#post-818218]Sir Wilfred Statenmire[/url] -Judge/Instructor [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/28628/posts/ooc?page=1#post-822387]Weiss LeBlanc[/url] -Judge/Gym Teacher/Wrestling Coach