[b]Name-[/b] Sir Wilfred Statenmire [b]Occupation-[/b] Judge/Instructor [b]Nationality-[/b] British [b]Age-[/b] 81 [b]Gender-[/b] Male [b]Appearance-[/b] [hider=Face][img]http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120921090709/kuroshitsuji/images/5/53/Tanaka.jpg[/img][/hider] He wears a black tuxedo, white gloves, and shiny black dress shoes. He's almost always seen with a cane. [b]Fighting Style-[/b] He practiced karate in his younger days, still retaining a decent amount of skill in the art that can surpass most young whippersnappers, but he does tire out far quicker then he had and his bones are more brittle, almost certainly causing him to loose drawn out matches but win most short confrontations. He's just as fast as a peak human but only in very short bursts, but his strength is suffering to only that of a typical elderly man. His fighting style now incorporates his cane as self defense, but he'd never use it against a student to strike them. [b]Powers-[/b] Foresight. Through his monocle he can see the future within his field of vision by half a second in a blur superimposed on top of what's happening in reality. This ability easily put him into S rank in his younger days. However, this now causes his eye to strain so badly that he can only use it for 5 seconds combined before temporarily going blind in that eye. He usually recovers after a good night's sleep. [b]Personality-[/b] He's very kind and understanding, never seen raising his voice or lashing out against another. If he has a differing of opinion then he'll deliver it thoughtfully and with respect. He doesn't like confrontation but will still make a case for something so that the proper outcome is reached. [b]Background-[/b] He was born in London and was only 8 at the time when the London bombings of WW2 occurred, killing his family and burning down their huge wealth of possessions. He was taking under the wing of his father's friend, who raised him up as a butler after they recovered from the mental trauma so he could do work around the mansion and earn his living. During this time he did serve them faithfully but also practiced martial arts on the side. It was not to take lives, but to protect lives in case those he cared about were attacked again. Once he was good enough he taught others, eventually forming a dojo after WW2 was over where he trained many, many pupils over the years. Once New Peaks High was founded when he was 42 he was offered the job to be an instructor there, which he accepted, passing on his dojo to his best pupil. He has since moved to the island, getting a humble abode built near the school grounds.