As he approaches the ship, Maxwell hears many a whirring and buzzing noise. "Hmm, what could those sounds be? I thought this whole thing was trashed." Walking into the ship with a classic sound of metal boots on steel floor, Maxwell walks through the trashed craft, noting an odd glow throughout the whole place. Happening upon the medical bay (How? I dunno. Plot progression that's how.) Maxwell freezes as he walks in halfway through the procedure. Holy shit man, that looks intense. Maxwell cringes as he watches, gasping when the small wire arms burrow into LeeRoy's jaw. Maxwell can absolutely power through worse things that that, his pain tolerance levels are high, but even taking that into consideration, that still looks and sounds incredibly painful, and he's just a little sympathetic, cause you know. He's the one who did it to LeeRoy, so. There's that. After the procedure, Maxwell clears his throat. Cough cough, and all that. "So. That looked incredibly painful." He's a bit awkward, he's never really one to apologize. (Really? SHOCKING.) "Also, I am incredibly impressed that you managed to take that punch and get up. So, I'm sorry for breaking your ship, but not for punching you. You should have known better, being someone of I'm assuming, pretty incredible intellect." Yeah, he's not gonna apologize for the punch. LeeRoy was pretty much literally asking for it, talking shit about Maxwell and his god like that. "So, I'm willing to let bygones be bygones. I need help getting off of this planet to get somewhere more worthwhile, and it's pretty clear this fucking ship isn't going anywhere unless I move it around for you. So, I think we should work together to try and get out of this sand hellhole." Maxwell holds out his massive hand in a handshaking position. "Now, Im not saying we should be all buddy buddy, but I think we need to at least try and not kill each other so we're not surrounded by sand for the next seventy years. Can we make a deal on that?" That should do. Maxwell doesnt particularly like LeeRoy, and he knows LeeRoy doesn't like him, so a truce is the best that BOTH of them can hope for at this point.