A soft sigh leaves his lips as Alexi lowers himself into the steaming bath. He can feel a tingle of excitement as the warmth envelops him, ripples covering the pool sized bath as he chuckles lightly. After his parents had passed Alexi refurbished the house many times over, giving many parts of it an old world feel. The bath has high ceilings, pillars surrounding the three bathing pools, and the décor reminiscent of old Greece. Along the walls are frescoes of the Greek gods, the pillars gleaming marble with gold inlay in intricate design. He had hired winged servants just so that this room could be cleaned thoroughly, and safely. With another sigh he sinks lower into the water, dropping his head back as he gazes at the ceiling high above. [i]'I could feel the passion rolling off of him. He is so fierce and committed, and even bound, so strong. . . .'[/i] He smiles softly, letting the scalding water ease his aching muscles. He didn't realize until this moment just how tense all the waiting and planning had made him. But now, under the soft glow of the fake wall torches, he lets himself relax for a few moment before the next phase of his plan begins. [i]'I have him now, and that was the easy part. Well, for me at least. I never doubted that Bro would disappoint me. He has never failed to live up to my selfish demands and foolish whims'[/i] He sits up a little straighter before pushing off the wall. He begins swimming languidly across the small pool, the water making his pale skin glisten. [i]'This is no whim though. This must be done, and even if it costs me what I hold most precious, second only to one, then so be it'[/i] Gritting his teeth he strikes out harder, his years of practice showing through his speed and accuracy. After a few laps around the rounded basin he steps out and charges for the next pool over. With a rather child like grin he leaps high into the air before plunging feet first into the middle pool. The shock of icy cold refreshes him in a way nothing else ever has and when he comes to the surface he lets out a hearty laugh. [i]'It is time. . .'[/i] Shaking some of the water from his hair Alexi makes his way to the side of the bath and climbs out. A line of bath robes line the wall, all from different ancient cultures in color and design. Scooping up one of the many towels sitting on the bench beside them he begins drying off while pacing back and forth in front of the robes. The decision takes him several minutes, by then he is almost completely dry save for his hair, but eventually he grabs a shortish red one. The fabric is silken, gleaming slightly, with a large Chinese dragon embroidered on the back in black thread. The hems too are black, and as he slips in one and ties it shit with the black belt he smiles as he recalls how he came into possession of the robe. [i]'But that is a story for another time. I must focus'[/i] His smile fades, morphing into more of a smirk as he dries his hair best he can. [i]'This will not work if he sees me as beneath him, however I can not act better than he too much or I am sure I will just frustrate him. We need to begin talking. We must communicate'[/i] With that thoguht in mind he moves to the door leading to his bedrrom and after a calming breath he pulls the door open and enters the darker room. Towel draped about his shoulders he is careful to keep his gaze steady as he walks over to his bed. The door clicks as it closes behind him and almost as if it was a cue Alexi's eyes find those of his new acquisition’s. His smirk still in place he limbs on the the bed carefully, laying on his stomach so he can face the vampire. Propping up his head on his hands his smirk widens. “Forgive the lateness of this, I was a bit over excited before to remember my manners. I am Alexi Vandros, feel free to call me what you like, however I will not tolerate vulgarities. I know you are far to clever to fall to such a low brow tactic.” He raises an eyebrow goodnaturedly. “I am sure you will find better ways to try and gain your freedom than upsetting me. Not that it is easy to do so.” Dropping his arms down so the lay atop one another beneath his chest he tilts his head to the side, waiting to see how the other responds. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Mois sits quietly in the silence as he waits for the family's oldest servant to appear. Many servants had come and gone from the Vandros estate, most of them gone during one rough patch a couple hundred years ago, but Joseph has always been as far as the boys are concerned. [i]'The manny of all mannies. No human could have kept up with us in our younger years, not with how we conspired so closely and skillfully. I swear, he could coordinate a capture strike with the servants faster than I can find someone to get me a cup of coffee at work, and there I am the boss! Well, one of the bosses'[/i] A smirk finds it's way to his lips once again as a soft chime goes off over head. [i]'I've told him a thousand times he can just walk right in. . .'[/i] “Come in.” he calls out. As Joseph comes inside Mois rolls his eyes at the memory of just why he still continues to use the bell. Mois had though it was a joke at first, something offhanded that his broth mentioned. However after the fifth or sixth time the elder vampire had rung the bell he'd asked out right why. It was then that Joseph had revealed that his brother was serious when he said Mois needs a lover and that the servants should be careful when entering the small cottage. [i]'I can not believe Alexi actually gave that order. He does know that that was basically an announcement that I don't have one'[/i] His eyes follow Joseph's movements as he goes about his normal routine when summoned and an honest smile comes to his lips. [i]'Though, I don't really mind Joseph knowing, not that he didn't already. I mean, I talk to him about everything that's relevant. Sometimes I find his presence so comforting I wonder why my brother has any need of a lover'[/i] Shaking his head slightly as the train of thought leads him to a darker chapter of Joseph's past he'd rather not think about Mois reaches out and scoops up half of his sandwich. Biting the tip off the triangle in his hand he motions fro Joseph to take a seat. Once he is seated on the two-seater he lets out a sigh and looks into the old creature's eyes. “I know I left only hours ago, but, how is he? What is happening, how is the household?” His tone while asking of his brother is honestly worried, but as he continues his tone shifts to curious.