[b]"GET DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW OR I'LL KNOCK THAT TREE OVER!"[/b] barked one voice. "You can't make me!" yelled the other. It was sometime early in the morning, much earlier than the others had bothered to wake up at. The sun was just cresting over the black horizon, spilling hues of reddish-orange over the land. A short, bony woman was perched rather comfortably on one of the highest boughs, swaying in the crisp and cool morning breeze. Her soft leather sandals curled around the smooth bark of the tree and her prayer beads whispered with the rattling of the leaves. She was immobile, silent, and intently watching the run rise. Or, at least, she was until a massive, broad-shouldered beast of a lady came storming outside and started yelling at her. It was true - Tachi and Bison did have a very, very odd relationship. But they've known each other for so long, one would think they'd be able to live comfortably in each other's presence, but alas. Fate has her own devious plans with this pair and it didn't involve hugs or comfort. [b]"I'M WARNING YOU!"[/b] roared Bison. The wind picked up and the silence from Tachi stretched out infinitely across the plains. Then tension in the air was so thick that Tachi felt it weighing down on her tensed muscles, as she prepared to leg it... "I don't want to!" complained Tachi, and then she jumped. The effect was instantaneous. Like a bird unfurling her wings, Tachi was on her air glider within moments of falling - she rolled through the air as Bison fires a blast of wind towards her right wing, sending her off course and tumbling towards the ground - and upon hitting the grassy floor she barely had a chance to breathe in before she was on her feet with surprising amounts of speed, one foot in front of the other, racing down the rippling plains. With a click, her air glider snapped back into the quarterstaff position that she could slip onto her back. The woman smiled, feeling the air ruffling through her hair and revealing her air nomad markings, feeling the sun slip over her face and eyes... [b]"TAAAACHIIIII!"[/b] hollered Bison, and Tachi span around to laugh at her anger, only to notice that she didn't look angry. Just very, very concerned-Tachi knew something was wrong, and span around to collide, head-first, into the trunk of a nearby tree. Lights popped behind her eyes and the ground came rushing to meet her incredibly quickly. ----- It was, therefore, a bit of a surprise to see Tachi walk into the hall sporting a black eye. She seemed the last person to really get into a fight at all, due to her short, skinny demeanour - she looked like one could pick her up and snap every bone in half if they wanted to. Tachi herself was very aware of the stares and quickly ruffled her hair, showing a glimpse of blue on her forehead before it was hidden by her muddy ginger fringe. She looked down the line at the other trainers, barely giving the apprentices a single glance. After Master Ka completed his introduction, Bison stepped forth. She folded her muscular arms over her chest, her voice cracking across the hall like an iron whip. [b]"My name is of no importance to apprentices like you. You will address me as Bison. And this..."[/b] Bison sneered down at Tachi, who simply couldn't seem to stand still, almost constantly fidgeting and shifting her weight as if she had six bowls of sugar before entering the hall. But Bison and Tachi met glances for the briefest of moments, and anyone who was watching closely would see a brief moment. Something flashing between the two, like an unspoken rule. [b]"...Is Lemur."[/b] finished Bison. Tachi couldn't help but let loose a big, happy smile at Bison, who just snorted to hide the ghost of a smirk on her lips. [b]"And the first person to GET HER TO STAND STILL FOR MORE THAN TWO MINUTES,"[/b] snapped Bison, raising her voice significantly. Tachi still didn't stop her fidgeting, despite getting startled by the louder voice. [b]"Will have the feat of being able to outsmart an Airbending Master under their belts. Until then, I expect all of you to treat my apprentice with the respect she deserves."[/b] continued Bison, peering down at Tachi, who stopped listening a while back and was staring out of the window with interest. After everyone finished their introduction, Tachi was the first to leave. As of yet, she hadn't even given a hint of acknowledgement to any of the other apprentices, almost pretending they didn't even exist. She still had that big, cheery, friendly smile on her face but, so far, hasn't directed it at anyone who she may have to start working with. She seemed to be quite busy herself, constantly wandering off and doing other things instead of interacting with the others. Swiftly and silently, like a ghost, Tachi entered the dining hall. Despite being so small, she did carry herself with a certain amount of grace and balance at this particular moment, looking more sophisticated than she was earlier, each step almost like a dance. Perhaps because the hall was devoid of the bending masters? Was she showing off to the others? It was impossible to tell, or to find out at all, because Tachi just walked in, grabbed a bowl of chicken noodle soup, and sat opposite Gaizen. She still never said anything, and didn't even look his way; whilst twirling the noodles around her chopsticks, Tachi fished out a piece of ornate, well-made parchment and held it in front of her face. In doing so she effectively blocked gaizen from view and was able to read whilst she ate.