Meanwhile back at the X-Men’s home of operations, Xavier, Cyclops and Beast discuss the info they obtained during one of blue teams missions. Xavier had put his hands together as he looked down at the desk in front of him. The news was troubling if it were to be true, he could not be sure and so had to treat it as if it were real. Beast and Cyclops exchanged looks; they themselves were shocked though really Beast and Professor X were more shocked then Scott was. Xavier “This is troubling news and here I thought we were making great strides in making the world understand us.” Beast “We cannot breathe a word of this until we know, we must have blue team investigate more. Maybe we can stop it before it is too late.” Xavier “Yes that is the best action we can take right now, in this every growing split between man and mutant we must make sure we take the right steps.” Cyclops “I will go out now and see what I can find Charles.” Xavier “No……. Wait Scott, you can leave right after we greet the new member of the institute. As one of the older members I think it is only fitting.” With that the discussion ended as the three soon made their way towards the location the young mutant was. The trio enter one hallway before making a left to another hallway where the young mutant was. The three walked up to the girl who was with her suitcases. Xavier “Well hello there Asha, Asha Nightenlowe…… Do you remember me?” Xavier would have mentioned his name but he was sure she remembered him; he was a beacon of light to most if not all the students and X-Men. Cyclops was standing to the left of the Professor X, though stood a few cm’s away and Beast was to the right. He had smile on his face, something Scott did have. His face was mostly blank though it also had a slight warm feeling to it. Beast “If I may, why do you hide yourself young lady?” He was curious to know about her, he was big and blue and in many ways knew what it was like being different in appearance; this was a guess he made and was not aware of her appearance due to her concealing herself so well. Only those conscious of themselves hide themselves, for all he knew he could be wrong about the guess he made. He could only wait for her to reveal herself if she was comfortable about it.