I'm in, but I might need some patience and a few pointers. This will be my first advanced RP. [hider=CS SHEET] Name: Grojan Moneng Age: 68 Gender: Male Appearance: Grojan's age is beginning to show, with his once muscly and broad figure becoming thinner and leaner. He is 6' 7" with a slender build. He takes a small amount of time in regards to personal grooming, as is evidenced by his finely-trimmed military-style moustache. The rest of his face is clean shaven. His aged white-grey hair is slightly longer down the back, touching the edge where the neck meets the shoulders. He has a pronounced chin with a broad jaw and forward, roman nose. His forehead is beginning to wrinkle to the extent that he appears to be frowning; his large, furrowed brows only add to this appearance. There is a small scar that runs across his right cheek from a close engagement many years ago. Personality: Many years in service as an assassin have left him cynical and pessimistic. In a "conscious" mindset he feels that there is no point in attempting to avoid execution if "they" find you. He is a quiet person who would rather listen to others than speak. It is nigh unto impossible to change any of his values or opinions, however. His main attitude to the issue of the removal of the assassins is that resistance is futile and that waiting patiently is the secret to survival. He consciously prepares himself (through visualisation) for withstanding the torture, questioning and executions that will inevitably overtake him, without giving the names of other assassins. He is constantly worried about other assassins being caught and "broken" into giving his name and makes it very clear to younger assassins that in such desperate times, they must stand in unison and give away nothing. Despite his worst fears, however, he does not stop any younger assassin who is "going to get him/her self killed". On a subconscious level, however, lies a hope, hidden among the pessimism and cynicism, that he will survive. Deep within his motives is the will to survive. General History: Grojan was born on a small farm, just outside of Jefferson, Missouri. He lived there with his single mother and three older sisters until he was thirteen years old, when he left to attend a political-military academy. During his time at the academy, he exceeded in all grounds, especially the military aspects. He graduated from the academy at age seventeen, first in his class. At the graduation ceremony, he was approached by a number of high level executives from Elecon Co. who wished to hire him as a private assassin for the disposing of high-level executives in competitive firms. His first mission was successful, and he slowly worked his way through the ranks of head assassin, by the (comparatively) young age of 48. His job at this level consisted mostly of organising other assassins, and his skills began to slowly deteriorate. It was at the age of 56, however, that this had to change. He was sitting in his office one day, when he noticed a glint of light coming from the rooftop of another building. He ducked under his desk just in time to escape the hail of bullets that penetrated his office. He managed to escape alive, but has since trained his skills to the level of the average 40 year old. His company recently "acquitted" (fired) him due to King Bradley's inquisition. Weapons Used: In his younger age, he went through a variety of stages including stealth melee, blunt melee, long-ranged sniping, short-ranged sniping and quick assault (rambo). In his older and more patient years, he has begun to rely more heavily upon stealth and camouflage. A master of natural patterns and appearances, he is able to blend in with virtually any environment. He mostly relies upon short-range sniping and patience, carrying an old M22-EBR marksman rifle and both a Browning pistol and a survival knife for close-quarters engagements. Strengths: He has extensive street knowledge with regards to sniper posts, hidden alleyways and underground entrances due to his extensive experience. He is also incredibly patient and is willing to find a spot days in advance. His brilliant knowledge of making camouflage is also a great advantage, especially in combination with his knowledge of most American cities. Weaknesses: His athletic skills are extrememly limited and he cannot move very quickly. He would be quickly overtaken in any chase and he would not survive a jump out of a two story building. He can no longer climb to where he needs to be and relies heavily upon stairs to take up advantageous heights. He also lacks medical training and does not have the constitution to take large amounts of damage (or even small amounts for that matter). Loyalties (if any): He feels a general loyalty towards all assassins, this loyalty runs deeply through him and he will do what he can to help a person in need. [/hider]