[i][b]dream[/b], noun, often attributive \ˈdrēm\ : a series of thoughts, visions, or feelings that happen during sleep : an idea or vision that is created in your imagination and that is not real : something that you have wanted very much to do, be, or have for a long time[/i] This, was a dream. At least, Violetta thought so. This situation was much too out of the ordinary to be considered reality. [i][b]re·al·i·ty[/b], noun \rē-ˈa-lə-tē\ : the true situation that exists : the real situation : something that actually exists or happens : a real event, occurrence, situation, etc.[/i] She felt tired. Overhead, a blue-tinted moon laid in the sky, coloring the clouds that were gathered around it. Around herself, the ground rose up and strange, unnatural ways, and were covered in checkerboard patterns and had pieces of black metal breaking out of the ground. No life besides herself and the man in front of her could be heard, seen or found to begin with. Speaking of the man in front of her, he was tall, with amber eyes and blonde hair. Like her, for whatever reason, he wore the winter uniform of Shirasagi High, which consisted of a black blazer shirt with the school insignia emblazoned on the left breast and a cerulean tie, black colored slacks and black shoes. For herself, it consisted of mostly the same thing up top, but with a few white highlights that added a unique ornate look to the uniform and forgoing the tie for a ribbon of similar coloring. The skirt was a typical pleated skirt of a similar color to the ribbon, but slightly darker and with a few frills along the hem. Honestly, she thought it impossible for someone to confuse them from a distance, especially considering the differences. [i][b]dif·fer·ence[/b], noun \ˈdi-fərn(t)s, ˈdi-f(ə-)rən(t)s\ : the quality that makes one person or thing unlike another : something that people do not agree about : a disagreement in opinion : the degree or amount by which things differ[/i] For some reason, she couldn't move anything except for her eyes. And for some other reason entirely, she found herself attempting to avoid looking into the other person's eyes, who seemed to be in the same predicament. Eventually, she did look into his eyes, and when she did, she suddenly knew his name without speaking and her vision filled with the color of his eyes, before she tore her eyes away. She realized without being told that the same must have happened for him. Violetta now found herself in her bed, staring into the dark. A cold sweat came down her back and she looked down at her clock. [i]5:00[/i] she read. With a shrug, she went back to sleep but the events and the man, who was apparently named Zen, remained in her mind even as the sun came up... [i]That night, Violetta dreamt of Zen, despite knowing nothing of him. In the same way, Zen had dreamt of Sayuri, Sayuri of Mizuko, Mizuko of Hatsune, Hatsune of Dominick and the lattermost of the very first. This bizarre, common dream would eventually link all these people together, but none of them knew for what and what would await them in the days to come...[/i]