The sweet sound of music permeated the air, a soft and gentle beat that set a cheerful mood. Three young ladies clad in ornate robes that showed just enough skin to be provocative played instruments as they danced to their own tune. Jun sat in a reclined seat padded with the softest material he had ever known. He felt as if he was floating on a cloud as the music resonated in his soul. Arranged around the edges of this bliss were tables piled with foods from every corner of the known world. Each morsel was more enticing than the last and as he enjoyed the bountiful feast he was approached by six of the most beautiful women he had ever laid eyes on. Each one was a visage of beauty itself. They beckoned for him. "Come play with us Jun!" one would plead to him. "you're so amazing Jun!" another would say. Each of the beauties called for him, and how could any man refuse such lovely creatures? Jun rose from his cloud of comfort and embraced them. It was bliss incarnate and just as was about to become one with the universe..... [b]"GEDDUP BOY!"[/b] A rather loud old man had burst in and zapped him to reality. All of the splendor, once his for the taking, had vanished in an instant. As he opened his eyes Jun was greeted by the underside of his sunhat. The old man stood in the doorway with his arms crossed glaring at Jun who laid in his bed for a moment before removing his sunhat and sitting up. Jun was still waking up as he retorted. "Dammit Old Man, can't you knock like a normal person?" [b]"Quit yer whinin' an' get oudda bed y' bum."[/b] "Yeah, yeah. I hear you Old Man." The two of them marched out to line up with the rest of the disciples for introductions. Each of the benders seemed capable at first glance and Jun had noted that most of them were attractive women as well, save for the Fire-Bender who seemed to be shy and avoided Jun's gaze when ever he glanced over. Each of the masters took a turn introducing themselves and their pupil. Jun could only stand there looking rather bored but made sure to remember each of their names. Finally it was his Master's turn. [b]"I'm the great Weapon Master So Hai and this young warrior y' see before you is Jun Taira. He may not look like much but I can [i]assure[/i] you.... he isn't."[/b] Master So Hai gave a big howling laugh at his own joke. "Well thanks for that Old Man." Jun muttered under his breath. Once all the formality had been complete Jun happily strolled down to the dining hall where more delicious foods awaited him. He walked comfortably and watched the others take their seats. The Water-Bender Kasumi had ended up sitting alone, although the other two didn't seem to be socializing at all despite literally sitting across from one another. A modest plate of meats was all he needed. Jun, who thought it was odd that they wouldn't all be eating at the same table, decided he wouldn't leave Kasumi to dine alone and promptly sat down in front of her. Kasumi's smile was rather inviting and Jun couldn't help but return with a warm smile of his own. "So Kasumi, your Master seems to have a lot of pride in you. Not like my Master, the Old Man never once gave me any praise since I started training with him. Anyway, your a disciple of the White Lotus like me, which means you're an exceptionally talented Bender. If you have some free time later, how about a little sparring match? I don't know about you but I've been waiting for a chance to put all this training to good use for a long time now."