As the stranger had expected, several of the adventurers who had made their way to the inn were already preparing to enter the keep. Among them were Serkan, Dasmira, Leon, Ireth, and Aveline. Arkadi himself had fearlessly taken off to the keep. Joric progressed away from the inn on his trotting steed, towards the forests in the east. He took a glance at the keep and swallowed a lump of guilt in his throat. A rhythmic gallop began to fill Joric's ears and he quickly looked behind him. It was a man dressed in a dark gray and red robe, the one named 'Athinar'. The quick-approaching man startled Joric and so he reached up to the hilt of his sword and steered his horse around, ready to face whatever opposition would come. But the great mage did not attack, although there was great hostility in his words: "I'm watching you, sir!" The mage then pulled his horse northwards, heading off to the keep alone. Joric released his blade and reentered his calm state of mind. [i]Actually, I'm watching you,[/i] he thought. [i][b]"Petulant old fool, you should have struck him down at such an insulting gesture."[/i][/b] [i]That's pointless,[/i] thought Joric, [i]Athinar seems to be a capable mage, and if so he could prove to be an asset to the mission. Besides, he's simply cautious, as any sane person would be. I admire his wisdom... and bravery.[/i] Joric turned his horse back east and trotted off in the distance. It was still early in the morning and the adventurers would probably be heading off very soon. It would not take to long to reach Valuun Keep. The entrance to the keep faced south-west. The keep itself was perched atop the highest hill in the surrounding area, overlooking the rest of the rolling plains and forests. The keep was very large. The tall, stone walls circled the interior of the setting in an irregular circle; positioned at various points of the wall were twenty spires, although eighteen only remained standing. Parts of the wall were cracking, but it still kept people from getting inside. The iron gate, now melted by Athinar, was thick and rusted with age. After passing through the gate one would arrive in a vast courtyard. There were doorways to enter the interior of the walls and the towers, as well as ladders to quickly reach the top of the walls. Built into the walls and connected to one another, surrounding the courtyard, were various stables, barracks, forges, armories, and sleeping quarters. It was a bleak setting, and the sky itself seemed to turn a dark gray when you stood within the ruin. On the opposite side of the courtyard was a massive castle with a huge, solid gate that not even the strongest metal-bender could manipulate. In the middle of the courtyard was a circle of blood-red markings, and hanging at the top of the castle was a massive crane holding a stack of stones. Bones littered the entire area, and fallen battlements and ancient weapons lay around them. All who would step inside would hear a whispering wind; the air was cold, and even the bravest man would tremble within the gloomy ruin.