Name: Weiss LeBlanc Occupation: Judge/Gym Teacher/Wrestling Coach Nationality: French/Japanese Age: 34 Gender: Male Appearance: [IMG][/IMG] Fighting Style: Professional Wrestling, Jiu-Jitsu, Judo, Tiger-Style Kung-Fu. These styles of combat, when used in unison, lead the combatant to use an opponent's attacks against them and control the fight through counterattacks, grappling, and short but brutal bursts of offense. Weiss, being a large man already, can utilize HIS size in addition to the movements of his foe to produce very powerful throws and pressure holds. While not the fastest of the instructors by any means, he can take a hit just as well as he can dish them out. This is reflected in his teaching, as he focuses more on endurance training and improving his students' reaction times rather than teaching them how to mount an offensive and overwhelm their opponents. Additional Information: Weiss is a fluent speaker of French, English, and Japanese Powers: [hider=Ki-Empowered Strikes] This does not mean that Weiss can attack with the laser blasts or energy waves that are popularized in many Shonen Manga/Anime such as Dragonball Z or Bleach. Instead, he may empower his hands, feed, knees, elbows, and even his head with an amount of Ki Energy. This somewhat increses the power of the blow or the speed of the counter-attack that he is empowering. There is, of course, a limit as to how much he can empower in a given time period. He is in the prime of his life, which is advantageous, and allows him a fair amount of ki usage before using the ability threatens his health. At his current age and fitness level, he can empower up to twenty-five strikes or counters a day before the risks begin to outweigh the benefits. Should he pass this safe limit, the effects are as follows, and compound upon each other the more he exceeds the limit. Stage 1 - 26-30: Severe Fatigue, Weiss becomes winded and less able to react to attacks, leading him to further rely on ki empowered counters. Three Days of bed rest will return him to normal. Stage 2 - 31-35: Minor Respiratory Damage: Weiss begins to cough fairly heavily as his excessive use of his life force begins to take its toll on his respiratory system. A tiny amount of blood accompanies the cough, but it is not life-threatening. One Week of bed rest will return him to Stage 1 Overexertion. Stage 3 - 35-40: Moderate Muscle Damage: Weiss' extended reliance on his Life Energy begins to rip and tear at his muscles. His skin bruises at various spots as the muscles bleed from the strain. While he can still fight at this point if he continues to rely on his Ki, the risks are immense. One Month of bed rest or Two Weeks of rest with daily medical attention and therapy will restore him to Stage 1 Overexertion Stage 4 - 41-50: Death Throes: His body overextended to its breaking point, Weiss no longer feels pain or fatigue. However... should he reach the upper limit of 50 Ki-Enhanced attacks or counters... he will rend the last bit of life force from his heart, and die. If he stops before then, he will be rendered comatose for a Three Month period. After such time, he awakens and returns to Stage 2 Overexertion. These recovery times stack, and should he ever reach the final level he will face a minimum recovery time of 3 Months, 3 Weeks, and 3 Days. [/hider] Personality: Weiss is only somewhat of a serious person, and very kind hearted. When wrestling, he does not use his ki ability, and is even known to help opponents up after matches. When he used to wrestle 'professionally', this occasionally caused his foes to resume attacking him. But in the end, Weiss doesn't mind much. The matches were generally staged anyway. As long as the fans are entertained, he couldn't be more pleased. Similarly, Weiss treats and REAL fighting the same way. All serious, but never out to end life (any more than is needed, that is). He is known to bring his students and other faculty members food and drinks if he thinks someone did a particularly good job, or if something special/tragic happened to that person. This makes him a popular teacher, but also the subject of controversy. On at least one occasion, he has been accused of being in a physical relationship with a female student. He was very quickly found innocent of the accusation, but some at New Peaks still believe he is simply being nice to get into the skirts of young girls. Background: [hider=Sorry for the length of the backstory] Standing at 6'11" and weighing in at 352lbs, Weiss is a giant among men.Thick-bodied, heavy-boned, and incredibly muscular, he is an intimidating figure to behold. As a child, many kids were afraid of him and didn't want to be his friend. This led him to focus instead on sports and hobbies. Very quickly, he became enamored with combative sports such as karate and wrestling. At the age of ten, he started taking classes in Tiger Style Kung-Fu. He loved the challenge of learning the stances and techniques, and went to the dojo as often as he was able to do so. At the age of 15, he achieved his Junior Black Belt. At 16, he was re-tested and allowed his Adult 1st-Dan Black Belt. However, rather than stick to the program and progress to a higher dan, Weiss chose to look at other styles of martial arts. As he liked wrestling, he thought Judo would be a good option, as it was about throws and using your foe's movements against them. This would prove challenging for Weiss, despite already being proficient in one art. Four years into his Judo training, he received a notice from All-Japan Pro Wrestling. This was his shot at the big time and he knew it. Temporarily putting his training on the shelf, he sat at the rank of 1st-Kyu for the next two years as he focused on his wrestling. The "French Tiger" was a hit sensation due to his size and strength. After those two years, he was sidelined by a contract dispute and decided to resume his training in Judo while the lawyers and company representatives ironed everything out. Nearly one year later, Weiss received his 1st-Dan Black Belt in Judo. Contract disputes were still being ironed out, and the man picked up Jiujutsu. Almost immediately upon receiving his Blue Belt in Jiu-Jitsu, six months after starting the style, the contract dispute was settled and Weiss returned to professional wrestling. Balancing his career and his martial arts hobby was incredibly difficult, and he progressed through the ranks at around half the speed that one would normally expect of an already accomplished martial artist. Nearly four years after receiving the Blue Belt, he finally achieved his Purple Belt. This was when he first heard of New Peaks Academy, and dropped his wrestling career to take up teaching. after all, one could not be expected to teach without a degree. Another three years passed, and Weiss was well on his way to a teaching degree. He wanted to teach physical education, of course... befitting of his great athleticism and ability. In this time, he also managed to go from Purple Belt to Brown Belt in Jiu-Jitsu. But something unexpected happened while training one day. Weiss was 'in the zone', as happens with many athletes... when he managed to block and counter an attack from his sensei that NO ONE expected him to defend against. Even the teacher was surprised by the burst of power and speed that Weiss showed. One year later, Weiss obtained his teaching degree from the [url=]Fukuoka University of Education[/url]. It was a very proud moment for the man, signalling a turning point in his life from professional entertainer to professional educator. It was then that he submitted his application to New Peaks Academy. He did not hear from them for some time, and took on a substitute teaching job in the meantime. Additionally, he continued his study of Jiu-Jitsu on the side. Two years passed from the time he submitted his application to New Peaks. He had given up and become content in his role as a substitute teacher. As an added bonus, he finally achieved the rank of Black Belt in Jiu-Jitsu. The journey to that point had taken him the longest of all the styles he had learned... just over ten years. Then the letter came that informed him of his acceptance as a faculty member at New Peaks Academy. Was this for real?! Indeed it was. And so he packed his things ad said farewell to his life as a substitute teacher. That was just over a year ago. Now he was the Gym Teacher of New Peaks. The short time he has been in the position has been filled with ups and downs, but he loves it all the same. Sure, students can get rough with each other... especially in his class... but disputes are usually solved without major incident. Only four times has he personally had to step in and stop a conflict personally. On top of teaching others, he has learned how more easily harness his ki energy like he had done in the training session with his sensei over a year prior. Life is good for Weiss, and he hopes that things will continue in that way for years to come. [/hider] ---------- I will also be submitting a student character for your consideration, ImpNo. Just wanted to get my teacher out of the way first.