When it seemed all were in agreement, Serkan turned his back towards the group, making for the door. He had been in such a rush to get to the keep he'd nearly forgotten to give even the most basic courtesy of his name. The half-elf looked over his shoulders back at the others, "By the way, my name is Serkan." Serkan dipped his head down, placing his helmet over his head, encasing it in a cage of gray-stained leather and coated, treated steel. He locked the clasps on his collar shut, securing the helmet in place, "Now, shall we start?" As they approached the keep, Serkan looked ahead down the road, one clearly less travelled since so few had dared to travel so close to the keep. Nature had started to reclaim the roadway, grass growing in the middle of the dirt path; as they grew closer to the keep the pathway continued to grow thinner and more overgrown. The outer walls of the keep were in a similar state; time and weathering was slowly crumbling the wall, though it still stood upright and looked as though it would stand for at least a few more lifetimes. "Hmm, looks like someone was in a hurry to get inside," Serkan suddenly spoke once they got close, walking towards the front gate, or more appropriately, the lack thereof. The gate clearly had been melted by someone in order to gain access. He knelt over a misshapen, wrought iron lump on the ground, placing his hand near it, "Still warm, whoever did this did it only minutes ago." Serkan placed his left hand on the hilt of his sheathed sword, tilting the sheath forwards so he would be able to draw the blade when the time called for it, if the time called for it. Venturing into the courtyard, the first thing that struck him was utter silence. The area withing the walls looked much the same as outside of the keep, everything that had been left exposed to the elements had been worn down by countless years of rain, wind, and sunshine. Untouched for uncountable years, it looked like plant life was encroaching upon everything that it could, wild grasses and weeds sprouted everywhere they could, even growing up from between cracks in the cobbled pavement. Still, there was something missing; no wildlife dared to enter the keep's courtyard. The darkening, gray sky above even lied empty, devoid of even the tiniest of birds. The only movement within the courtyard came from the gentle sway of grass when an errant breeze managed to flow through cracks in the wall. Serkan stepped through a knee-high brush of grass, only to feel something hard under the heel of his boot, pulling his foot back he could see the sun-bleached bones of a human body, once a warrior from the look of his rusted armor and antiquated weapons, relics of a time perhaps when the keep had a less ominous air about it. Serkan looked quietly to the others he had followed to the keep, he remained quiet, hoping to hear any observations of the grim, quiet courtyard they might have had.