[quote=Beta] Name: Weiss LeBlanc [/quote] Character accepted. He'd be tough to beat, but luckily he's just a teacher so won't go beating us up. ;) The long backstory is good. I'll make my British guy have a more fleshed out backstory in time and my student characters will probably have more information due to me using them more. [quote=Joegreenbeen] I'll post a character soon, but before I do; Would it be okay if I provided some comic relief through a scrawny kid? He'll have some magic so he can fight and I have a simple reason for why someone like him would come to this place. [/quote] So an E rank? Sure. I'm not sure how many opponents you'll have to fight at that rank but it's still fine for you to do so. Who knows, maybe some others will also have at least one character that weak. The E ranks can also band together to fight those of higher rank in team matches.