We don't have to plan out scenes in general, I'm thinking. I can handle that with Luke, and we can discuss that OOC, and IC. What [i]I'm[/i] saying we need to do is establish a clear plot line, and establish parts before we can start. I'm planning on completely skipping over the pre-production part of filmmaking, actually. I think starting at the very beginning is a bit difficult since it tends to exclude a lot of people for a large group RP, because the audition process and hiring process are exclusive to that person who's doing whatever. Collab posts would be ideal if we did do the entire pre-production, but even if we did, it'll be nothing more than introductory posts. As for starting, I don't know yet >< I can probably whip something up soon, but I'm hesitant to do that until we establish movie plot more clearly and assign characters. Also, I'm absolutely swamped with tests, test prep, college prep, homework, music stuff, prom stuff, and a whole lot of stress x_x blehh