The girl's eyes rounded upon seeing the food. "..." For a moment, it seemed that there were tears in her eyes. Her lower lip wobbled, and without another word, she snatched up one of the sandwiches and started chowing down with wild abandon. It was somehow endearing, to see anyone enjoy a meal so heartily. The girl, after filling her own mouth, tore off a good portion of the sandwich, and held it down for her Pokemon. Luna took it with a yowl of thanks, and started eating too. She seemed to leave a little bit of her portion for little Blaze, who hopped nimbly from his new trainer's lap to eat. The girl did not speak for a good while, until the first panini was gone and she was licking her fingers free of crumbs. Only then did she look up at the professor, with something like hope in her eyes. "...I've never met anyone like you." Her voice was soft, awed, and confused. "Or you, either." Her gaze held Tobias's for several seconds. Then she went back to the professor. "You were saying... that I should travel? That maybe there are more people like you out there?"