As for the plot, a basic outline: MC was international spy in a family spy business. Kind of thing. An entire family of 007s who work for the government. Something happened that had them running off the grid, taking identities. In a sense, some have bounties on their head. Some have died. All have essentially lost touch with each other, so no one knows quite who's alive, who's where, what's happened to them. Mainly because they're that good. MC has a daughter. Was married, whether that marriage was false or not, a disguise, a cover for a job, but they had a kid. (Think [i]The Americans[/i] where they were just a family, had kids, everything, but were actually spies) The only logical thing to have done was to employ that kid when she was of age, bring her into the family business, per se. I assume the spy ring is a government organization and isn't just the family 'cause that'd be really weird to have had a child... not going there. To continue, the event that had the entire family running, maybe the entire organization, was during that event. The wife died, and he fled into hiding with his child, still keeping it secret somehow. But, the MC raises his daughter in secrecy, keeps her safe, has taken a new name and new identity, maybe has fled the country altogether. Maybe all of the event deal and the family thing was a flashback and it starts with the event that brings the family back together. Daughter gets kidnapped, whatever, though it'd be awesome if she had herself kidnapped to get to the lady who supposedly killed her mother or whatever or is threatening her father. Things get sticky, dad has to get her out of the situation she put herself in, but I don't think it's wise to make her completely like useless. She shouldn't be useless. She should be able to take care of herself 'cause if she can't, then her dad sucks as a spy because how the hell could he not have known something bad would happen to the both of them that would require his daughter to know how to take care of herself. Regardless, she's in the 'hive' and has to get out. Her dad has to find her. That's the easy part; getting her out is the hard part. So, he goes to find his own father, maybe other spies who have fallen off the grid, but survived. Rounds them up in hopes to save her daughter before something bad happens. They make a plan, all that fun stuff, while she makes a plan of her own. They both go off at the same time, end up kind of getting into a sticky situation themselves (comedic relief anyone?) and it ends with her getting out. And they part ways, but people get picked off now and the organization that they worked for is new and changed and all that and is currently hunting down all lose ends. So, they gotta go back, make sure the government understands that they're not going down without a fight, all that fun stuff. And they use all their skillets to dismantle the new organization, which I'm sure is like a very bad organization, like they went one way and just made a turn down evil. Nuclear shit, bribing, all that fun stuff. So, it's legit that they want to bring it down before it causes to much harm. So, showdown and all that fun stuff. End of the film is up for debate. Rough idea. There will and should definitely be more to that, but we need something now, so I whipped something up.