Asha's golden glowing eyes watching each of the trio that approached her. A tall man with odd choice in sunglasses, a man in a wheel chair and a... blue furry creature-man. Any expression that might be on her face was hidden by her dark cloth, the only key her glowing eyes. The older man in the wheel chair spoke first. His voice was... familiar. Clam and clear, saged with wisdom. She nodded her head forward and stood up, hands folded in front of her, feet together, back straight, as if she were to be inspected. It was just a reaction that had been ingrained in her. "You are the one who spoke,” her voice was soft and smooth, gentle yet guarded, "You guided me here." The man with the odd sunglasses looked at her and she nodded her head forward, distantly but politely. She did the same towards the beast man. It was the beast man who asked her something she reacted to. She winced. Why hide...herself. At first it had not been her choice to hide, but her mother had decided she would not invoke so much anger from her father if he could not see her... mutation. Asha touched the cloth at her face, but it dropped down to her other gloved hand. Slipping the glove off her slender hand she kept her eyes on the ground. Her hand glowed softly, pulsing the lights with her heartbeat. The multicolors lights like millions of stars beneath her skin, swirling and waltzing slowly. Her thick clothing had become sort of a cocoon. It made her feel safe. Without it she felt vulnerable...naked...defenseless. Turning her had over slowly, she made sure they could see and take it all in. "It...doesn't turn off," she said softly, her voice drifting through the quiet hall, "I can't turn it off. But if I'm locked away from the nightsky for days on end, it softens, flickering like candle light just about to go out. That's when I begin to feel sick and weak..." Quickly she slipped her glove back on, her eyes still on the ground. "It never turns off..." she held her hands in front of her, eyes on the ground, "I've...never been around...others like me." Her eyes came up to meet the Beast's. "I hide because I do not want to anger or sicken anyone. And this way...I feel safe."