There was a part of Ethan that simply wanted to forget the entire experience and wanted to go to his meeting as if nothing had happened. But unfortunately, his curiosity and his need to determine once and for all if he had fallen off the deep end, won out. After only a slight hesitation, he took off after the figure ahead of him. They wondered quickly through several streets, and the cat-morph thing was quite fast. Ethan was no athlete, but he was well enough in shape, and his asthma was under control enough that he was able to keep up. Fast as the figure was, it seemed to be flying along at a speed just fast enough to keep him moving, but not fast enough to lose him. Vaguely, in between his panting for breath, Ethan wondered if this was intentional. They traversed across several smaller suburban neighborhoods and ran about a third of a kilometer until they found themselves in a small, but often deserted, park. Ethan thought he might collapse, but he did not even sit down. His curiosity would not be denied. “Please, I need an explanation. I have to know if I'm crazy,” the young man pleaded to the cat figure, feeling like once again, he was most certainly insane. [i]I probably should have run away. What kind of idiot sprints around a neighborhood following their hallucinations?[/i] came the thought, unbidden, to his mind.