"The fuck is this," Zen's voiced echoed in the huge area he found himself standing in. Looking around there was no way this was any kind of reality, the entire background was covered in what looked like an endless starry sky, the stars twinkling in and out of existence as fast as his eyes were able to keep up. Giant chunks of land floated slowly around him, some of it was brown like a desert wasteland while others had grass and looking in the distance he could even see one with a small tree on it. There seemed to be an endless amount of these chunks and looking up he found a huge one the size of a city hovering above, it cast a shadow where he was standing before floating into the distance. Whatever this was it made Zen extremely uncomfortable, he was positive he didn't have the imagination to have a dream as vivid and...creative as this. He quickly looked behind him expecting to see another version of himself or something grotesque only to see endless darkness. He let out a relieved sigh and looked down to find himself on a chunk of floating land, this one had grass on it like the ones currently floating around him, there was even a small pond on his right. Zen noticed he was wearing a blazer with a cerulean tie when he looked down, holding his leg out he was also wearing slacks and black shoes with it, he grit his teeth and realized this was probably the uniform of his school Shirasagi. Reaching up he grabbed hold of the tie and pulled it down causing it to hang loosely around his neck, he unbuttoned his blazer and threw it open with more of a flash than he intended. There was no way he would wear this normally so that confirmed this was definitely a dream, but why his school uniform of all things he hated wearing it formally which was the only way he was allowed too. At the very least there weren't any teachers around so he didn't have to worry about getting yelled at, even if he did this was a dream if he punched a teacher it wouldn't matter. "...I'd still better not, if this is some subconscious thing it might be bad," Zen said as he shoved his hands in his pockets and started walking forward. There wasn't much to walk too as the floating continent was pretty small, when he reached the edge he looked over to see if the starry sky was below him too, however as he neared the edge a chunk of land popped out causing him to take a step back. "....okay...." Zen said before he put his foot out. With a bit of tentativeness he tapped the land, when it didn't fall he put his foot firmly on the land and with a scoff stepped fully onto the land. Another piece of land quickly shot up as he did so and seeing it Zen started walking hunching forward a bit as more land continued to form as he walked. He continued forward not entirely sure where he was going as he walked, he looked ahead to see what was in the distance before he noticed another piece of land with someone on it. Zen stopped and pulled his hands out of his pockets as he confirmed it was actually a person, he looked behind him before clicking his tongue and turning back to the person picking up a light jog. Thankfully the land kept up with his pace and he made it to the person pretty quickly, once he stepped on the land he slowed down and clenched his hands into fists as he walked up towards them their back currently to him. Looking at the persons outfit he noticed they were wearing some kind of skirt, he assumed it was a girl but he's been proven wrong before in such matters. Looking at her black...or was it red hair in a high ponytail made him consider it really was a girl, and if so why was a girl in his dreams. The girl turned around and he immediately glared in her direction not sure if she was threat but the moment his eyes locked with hers it felt like something was being forced into his skull. Zen quickly sat up in his bed breathing heavily as sweat poured down his face, he looked around only to see the messiness that was his room which calmed him down. He looked down at his body to see he wasn't wearing a shirt, he pat his bare chest and pinched himself which hurt but confirmed he was awake. He looked over at his desk only to see a pair of his boxers with cats on them and a shirt covering it, reaching over he removed both articles of clothing before picking up his clock to see it read [i]5:00[/i] a.m. which caused Zen to set the clock down and lay back on his pillow. He could wake up and make some breakfast but after that messed up dream he didn't really feel like moving right now. "Sayuri Takashi," Zen said as he stared at his white ceiling before closing his eyes. He had heard the girl's name when he was in Kyushu, the unfortunate thing about being a delinquent is you hear the names of 'strong' people. However that didn't excuse how he knew her first name as he had only heard her name once and only her last name so he assumed it was a boy. It was the day he transferred out of school and it was a hard day to forget as a few people came to settle the score with him. Even then he had never met the girl and definitely didn't hear her first name, he didn't recognize that girl at all in his dream but something just told him that was Sayuri even more so her name came to him so easily. Zen decided to ignore it and go back to sleep but as he tried the blank face of another girl flashed in his mind for a moment, he gripped his head and forced it down. "The hell is wrong with me why do I keep thinking of women," Zen said before a small grey kitten hopped on his bed. Zen looked over hearing a small 'mew' come from the cat, he reached over and grabbed the cat before setting her down on his chest and closing his eyes. "I might be getting horny Mittens," Zen said with a heavy sigh. "Starting to make up women in my dreams." At this the cat promptly got out of his grasp and jumped off the bed before moving away from him and into a mess of clothing in the distance. "...oh right Mittens is a girl, sorry Mittens," Zen said before closing his eyes. Whatever that was there was no need to think about it, the whole thing was just a dream maybe he did hear her first name or whatever, he decided to ignore it and go to sleep...but he found it incredibly hard to just forget about it.