Magnus tried to get some sleep on the way home, reaching into a cubby to take out a headset, he blared Rammstein into his pointed ears to try and drown his mind out from trying to replay the fight and coulda-shoulda-woulda himself to an ulcer. If he wanted to replay his failings he could think of his real home where the mutants lost the war on the first day. Yes, PTSD teleporting ninja on a blackbird, just what the doctor ordered. When the mix rolled around to "Pussy", he smiled knowingly while opening one eye to look over at Sarah. Not that anyone could tell where his solid black eyes looked in any direction at any time, they had that odd quality of his fathers to seem like he was looking everywhere and nowhere at once, but if one could feel when someone was looking at them, he was evident. He never got up to get closer to her, he seemed content to keep an eye on her, waiting for her to relax and let her guard down which would most likely lets her shadows go too unless she remembered to bundle up or change into something more real. He always had an eye on her for two reasons: Her powers of 'shadow' and ninjutsu training blended well with his own powers and skillset so they were often paired for training sessions. Second, if he's going to stare at someone then it might as well be the woman he's already spent many a time tumbling in the shadows with already. Germany was far more liberal with things like ages of drinking and consent set at 14, but then again he was already killing people before then. Born in a war that no one should ever have to suffer of humans greatest inhumanity. The 'cure' never reverted people with the x-gene, it killed those with the chromosome. When dealing with ways to cope with such stress, his parents rather he become a... lovehound rather than an alcoholic. But in that realm, those that survived were often more mutated than most with a greater power but at a cost of appearance, Such was not the case here with so few physical mutants who could do such incredible feats without tax to their bodies. He was stuck a freak, there weren't any girls or women at the mansion who couldn't turn off their powers like him that he could relate to. Alone amongst the alone.