[quote=Phloem] Billy was crouched down behind some shrubbery, trying to blend into the background as much as possible. To have the opposing team spot him would be disastrous, and it'd really throw a metaphorical wrench into their plans. But going unnoticed wasn't so much a problem for him as dozing off was. If he had to be honest, waiting in ambush wasn't the most exciting thing ever, and the sound of rustling leaves would've been more than enough to put him to sleep any other day. And then when he did fall asleep, nothing short of a nuclear explosion could wake him up. Apparently, there'd been some sort of bear attack the night before, and he had absolutely no idea until someone actually told him about it. Reining in his wandering thoughts, he brought his attention back to the fluttering flag about ten yards away. Normally, Billy wouldn't even have dreamt of doing something like this, but if helping his team win a game of Capture The Flag was going to prove that there was more to him than just "the weird kid", then Capture The Flag, it was. To prepare, he'd chugged down a good four cans of Red Bull. Energy buzz or a heart attack waiting to happen? Only time would tell. As of the moment, he was more than a little twitchy, but at least he didn't feel like falling asleep.Billy quickly went through the plan again in his head. Since his knowledge of military strategies extended only to World Of Warcraft raid formations, he didn't really have much input in the brainstorming session. Pretty much all he did was volunteer to defend their team's flag. At first, he'd contemplated joining the offense, but had decided against it. As a son of Hypnos, he constantly emitted an aura which made people feel mildly tired in his presence. That probably wouldn't have bode well for his teammates. So, he ended up leaving most of the planning to Reagan and the others. After all, she a daughter of Athena, the goddess of battle strategy. It was only logical to follow her instruction. Rolling the chain of his pocket-watch/mace between his fingers, Billy kept watch for any sign of the opposing team. [/quote] Phloem it hasn't actually started yet.