1, 2, 3, GO......With that, The athletic form of Michael bounds up to the nearest tree and shimmies up the bark and into the boughs above. From there, he picks and chooses his path, attempting to get a visual on both areas where the flag should be. If he can get eyes on both flags, that'd be great, but not likely. He unslings his now visible bow from his shoulder and pulls back the string, making an arrow appear. He then grabs a pinecone or a clump of leaves and attaches it to the head of the arrow. [i]'This'll make a good distraction'[/i]. He spots where his team is heading and fires the blunted arrow in an area way off to the side of them, attempting to draw the other team's attention there and not to his team. He then another arrow appears as he draws his bow again. The other team's feet are going to be his major targets. If they can't run because their feet are pinned to the ground, then they can't get his team's flag.