For the briefest of moments, the quiet clink of the chopsticks ceased. Tachi lowered the parchment ever-so-slightly, revealing two bright amber eyes. but they weren't arrogant or dignified at all - no, there was the shimmer of rattled nerves behind them. Gaizen, being a suffer of social anxiety himself, would probably see a kindred spirit before him; for here sat a girl who was nervous about something to do with the conversation. And as soon as Tachi got a good look at Gaizen, she too saw the fear in his eyes, and a ghost of a sympathetic smile played on her lips. It looked like the pair of them knew each other's troubles. "Do chicken noodle soup?" offered Tachi, folding the parchment in half with a quiet 'fwip' noise and pushing the bowl towards Gaizen. She didn't ask him why he sat down without breakfast; but it looked like she did know he was too scared to get up again. "It's just, I'm kinda full, and I only want a bread roll. I'll grab you a spoon and everything." Of course, as is Tachi's style, she didn't wait for an answer. In one surprisingly fast movement, Tachi was on her feet again, and heading towards the food area. As she passed the larger dining table, Bison's bread roll quivered from a faint breeze-[b]"Don't."[/b] warned Bison, and Tachi held both hands up in the air, staggering backwards with her usual wide, childish smile and skipping over to the bread basket. She picked out a wholemeal breadroll and started to head back towards the table. As she passed the larger dining table again, Bison's spoon was knocked off of the table and into the air. This time, however, Bison quietly and politely put down her knife and fork before abruptly standing up and sending her fist out towards Tachi - a blast of wind caught the younger woman in the back of the head, sending her head-first towards the floor. Tachi barely had time to plant both hands on the floor and go into a forward roll but managed it all the same, getting back onto her feet in a matter of moments and spinning around to face her Airbending tutor. There was a very tense silence. With a forced politeness, Bison hissed [b]"Would you like a spoon, Lemur?"[/b] through gritted teeth. Tachi's smile had long faded, but was not replaced with a frown. Instead, with all the innocence in the world, she pointed up to the spoon hovering in the air. "I do have a spoon, Bison, thank you for offering." replied Tachi with the same polite tone. The pair of them looked at each other - in any other situation, perhaps, this amount of cheek would surely result in punishment, but instead Bison looked up in mock surprise. [b]"Oh! I never noticed that. Here, let me get it down for you."[/b] offered Bison, and before Tachi was able to politely decline, the spoon came soaring down towards Tachi with a crack onto her head. Rather notably, Tachi didn't move out of the way; she knew it was coming and she pointedly didn't react. If anything, she just braced herself for impact but it still wasn't enough - she winced, rubbing her head with one hand whilst the other caught the spoon whilst it tumbled down. [b]"I would've let you away with that if it wasn't in front of the others,"[/b] snapped Bison, turning away to sit down again. [b]"Looks like you're not only the youngest here, but also the most immature of the lot. Such a disappointment, you are."[/b] continued Bison. Tachi rubbed her head again, turning her back on Bison. She made an odd movement with her feet, something akin to a slight stagger but she didn't look like she was losing her balance at all. It was intentional, of course - but for reasons thus far unknown. Tachi cleaned the spoon on her sleeve, checking it closely, and then handed it to Gaizen, grinning. "You're the firebender, aren't you? Heat up your breakfast, it's getting cold!" urged Tachi excitedly. She didn't sit down this time, instead crouching on the seat, forearms resting on her knees, ripping the odd chunk of bread to eat it whilst leaning in to watch what will most likely be a simple display on firebending. if, of course, Gaizen has the nerve to do it.