"So, while we wait for the mission, why don't you teach me how to use the Azure Blade Fate?" said Lerafa. "Okay, usually, a magic device has to reconize you as its rightful owner, but the Defenders requested that this should be a weapon made exclusively for you, so, to make sure you will be able to use, your DNA was infused on this device." said Fate opening the case and giving the Azure Blade to Lerafa. "Ackwoledging Lerafa Oliver as Master, awaiting for Orders." said the Device. "Wow, you're right, it just reconized me the moment i started to hold it." said Lerafa. "Here's the cartrigdes it uses, they will give you a temporary boost on power everytime you command 'Load Cartridge', did you get it?" Said Fate. "So far, no questions, okay Azure Blade, Load...wait, not going to waste them here, must save them for field experience." said Lerafa. "Oh, and one more thing, you have to recharge the cartridges you use with your or someone's else energy." said Fate. "Um, but wait, you said it's a magical device right? My powers aren't exactly magical. I mostly use the energy inside my body." said Lerafa. "Don't worry, as i said, it's a device made just for you, the cartridges can be recharged with any kind of energy." said Fate. "okay, i kinda didn't want this, but since it was Melissa that probably suggested this weapon to be made...i can't say no...i just can't." said Lerafa, seeing if there wasn't anything else at the case, there was a scabbard for the sword. "Sorry...and thanks!" said Lerafa when putting the sword on the sheath, and the strapping it to his back.