Leon was already in Anti-Aircraft turret on the left side of the bridge, they weren't firing at battleships, so some flak to the deck should in theory fuck them over. "Oi, shoot those fuck'ahs Dimitri! Don't just stand there!" He gripped the handles of the large machine gun in front of him, he swiveled the weapon until he was leading the attacking vessel with his sights. With a loud, fast and repetitive, 'Papow-Papow', Leon's MG sent rounds of flak down range at the fuckers trying to stop the Nomad. "Oi! Oi fock'n 'ope t'ah 'ell you boys l'oike it, y'ah fock 'eads!" He shouts loudly before being flung to the side, sending his rounds up and into the air, pulling the gun with him. "Shit!" Leon shouts regaining his balance before he's thrown into the opposite direction, a loud bang sounded sending his side into the metal side of the 'tower' he was standing in. "When it settled he brought the boat back into sight, continuing to lay down some sort of suppression on their attackers, waiting for Dimitri to use his 'toy.'