[quote=Zane620] He felt a hand grip his shoulder which caused some pain yet he didn't let it show as he simply turned his head towards the man and him transferring his Zanpakuto skill to himself and everything he saw turned pink, he looked around rather annoyed. "My Zanpkauto skill is not something you can control. It can be whatever it wants, and right now all I see is pink. What? It's not like I control what I want them to see. Hell half the people here are giggling or some shit, so it can cause happiness. Besides she deserved it, everyone else however ran into my shikai of their own . I cant seal it either. My Lieutenant made me take a pill which keeps this thing in shikai for a week and then glued it to my arm. You can try taking it off but whatever glue he use was some pretty fucking good glue. And I'm here to actually study injuries to better myself I'm sure some people here must have been hurt by Poison...... Besides my own, and again. They ran into it of their own accord. as you see it is rather lengthy. Will that do for an explanation sir? I mean if you can remove this and get rid of the pills effects then by all means do so, that way the Poison effects go away and I don't have to hear constant giggling. Again. They.Ran.Into.It.Of.Their.Own.Accord." [/quote] The guards just looked at him, with blank stares "Listen ya doofus, don't walk around so carefree when you know full well that you're walking around with a poisonous shikai. And we've been following you around, we saw you stab that other girl on purpose. Just because we are members of Squad 4, doesn't mean you can push us around. How can we take your word for it, to us it all sounds like a bunch of bull. Not only that, why the hell will you go outside when you know full well that your shikai is" The guard put up air quotes with his hands "supposedly stuck to your hand. We've had enough pranksters pulling pranks like this. Now get out or we'll throw you in jail!" They said, one walking away as the other stood and kept on looking at Ryutaro.