"Oh I admit fully to poking that one. Like I said she annoyed me, and like I said several time you imbeciles. Most of them walked into it on their own only a few I purposely poked, but most did it of their own accord. Maybe you Squad four people should learn that the shiny part is the end you don't go run into." Ryutaro then glared as he grabbed the handle of one of the shikai and pulled and pulled with veins popping out of his arm but the Shikai remained where it was. "Yeah stuck you dumb ass. And like I said learning experience, I cant trust the other members of squad Twelve to give me clear perfect details on something as important as this. And it isn't a prank, I have much better thing to do than go around and prank a bunch of people who only heal." Ryutaro said as he started walking towards the exit. "But fine. Once the Pill effects wear off, Ill come back so your dumb little friends don't go walking into the sharp end thinking it must be candy." Ryutaro said snickering as he left the Squad Four building and purposely poked someone outside the barracks and grinned as he waved goodbye to them.