She had finally got the old man and the girl in the back of her cart, when Vevila heard a noise in the forest. "Wait here." She said to the two. If it was wolves, they could be attempting to hunt her horses. She would have to take care of them. She drew the short elven blade her father had given her, and cautiously waded through the underbrush. She ducked under a low branch, and came across an Elvish girl speaking to a bird. Vevila gasped at her beauty, and immediately blushed at the sight of the most beautiful creature she had ever seen. Spark shook her head and swallowed her infatuation. "U-Um, excuse me..." She started cautiously. "I... what are you doing in the forest?" Vevila didn't even know why she had asked, she could have very well just turned around and left but...she wanted to talk to this girl.