[u][b]Ayame & Chiasa - Healer's Hut[/b][/u] Ayame was asked in the most gentle and polite way imaginable about the patient that decided to have better things to do than rest. How could she refuse such a sweet and bewitching voice? "Well.. We better look for him then. I didn't expect him to just stand up and move off. I couldn't even do anything to stop him. He must be quite strong to pull that off... Ah.. No matter, when I find him he will definitely have to lay down and rest even if I have to force him. I won't take no for an answer." She was about to stand up when suddenly the door slammed open. "Taro? What's the matter? You look distressed." "There has been an attack. Bandits!" "Oh no! Is everyone alright?" "Yes. No! I mean... nobody of us got hurt. But the bandits... They stood down after some of their guys got hurt. It looks serious." "Where!?" "Still at the entrance but... Should we really help them?" Ayame starting feeling a little faint all of a sudden. She was not used to this level of stress. Before the war most injuries were sprains, minor cuts and the occasional animal bite. She did not like this. Nevertheless she was eager to try her best in order to ease the pain and suffering of fellow humans. "It doesn't matter who they are. Lead the way!" "Alright. This way..." "Wait for me, Granddaughter! Ah.. Damn these old bones!" [u][b]Pretty much everyone - Village entrance[/b][/u] It didn't take long for them to find the location. A thick crowd had formed, in the middle the wanna-be bandits surrounding their dying friend. "I don't feel so good. I think my head is bleeding." "Ugh... my shoulder..." One had a shoulder cut. Another one had a wound on his forehead. Their earlier patient also lied on the ground. He was unconscious but otherwise did not seem to beat up. They would survive. The one bandit bleeding on the ground however did not look too good. "Don't worry, Saito. You'll be fine!" "I-it's gettingg c-cccold..." One did not need to be a doctor to see that only something short of a miracle could help him now.