Nobody didn't seem bothered at all by... well... anything. The dark-eyed living wraith was drifting about aimlessly, her intent eyes scanning the crowd for Nubius as well. She noticed Coura and Labassa, but didn't pay them any mind. They didn't know her. No one really did. Her steps were silent and well-placed as she moved about without touching another body. She knew she was getting some inappropriate stares, but females in general tended to get inappropriate stares. Everything about her screamed 'I'm not interested', and the way she walked and looked was confident enough to keep most at bay. She paused for a moment near the middle of the room, making a full sweep in her field of vision, and then turning slowly as she continued her scan. Being stared at by Nobody was unnerving, seeing as she didn't blink when she stared. From the time she'd entered, the Carrier hadn't said a single word, Of course, Nobody was a Carrier of few words, not feeling the need to make small talk or idle chitchat for no reason. Her dark brow furrowed slightly as she continued looking.