[center][b]VALENTE[/b] Valente could hear the scuffle between the brothers around him but wasn't bothered by it, too busy crying to himself to take notice. He did look up though when Vencentio approached him, his face a watery mess with tears and mucus, but his face still managed to be beautiful, " The basketball! It was...and then he...and now its gone! What do? Where is it? Why now?" He rambled, clinging onto the front of Vencentio's shirt for dear life. " The basketball holds the magic Vencentio! Without it anything can happen! We need to find it!" [b]RYOICHI[/b] " Thank you Mama," Ryo said placing his hands on his hips, basking in the praise. Protettore hardly batted an eyelash at his accomplishments, so receiving such positive criticism from his other adoptive parent meant the world to him. After his father actually acknowledging his existence earlier and Vencentio's kind words, nothing could bring him down! But his warm feelings were short lived when a fist connected with his cheek. " Ow! You fucker!" He yelled and tackled Ryuu to the ground, his fists flying and nails scratching. All of his strategic mountain training went out the window and there was only red anger in his eyes. [/center]