You're all free to interact with each other aside from the bandit thing. If you are not interested in this mess then have your character do somehting else. If you want to do something more specific then you can always send me a PM. Understand that I'm still new to this whole "running a game thing". I'm not trying to railroad anyone. This scene is pretty much over already. The only thing that has to be determined is whether or not he will die. Whatever happens will have consequences even if they are only minor. If anyone feels that their character can do nothing in this situation then please go ahead and write a short post describing that. Maybe try to talk to some of the other characters. If anyone doesn't post because they feel like it's pointless it will only look to me as if you're too lazy to think of something and I will respond by trying to move the scene along by throwing in more opportunities which only will result in more of the same. In short, just give me any kind of response so I can move this thing along.