OMG guys guess what I found on my other computer: Primary Name: Erahja Vaelrin Age: 28 Race: Rakasha Gender: Female Class: Ranger Background: Erahja’s parents were friends of elves, and their tribe often travelled along the elven settlements by the Dark Forest. They were both killed by raiders when Erahja was so young she barely remembered them at all. In the end, it was friends of her parents, an elven couple, who raised her beside their own son, Elrithian. While he was clearly much older when Erahja was found, being an elf, she quickly outgrew him in relative age. She grew up knowing a good number of Rakasha and grew accustomed enough with their culture, despite her living among elves and mostly seeing others of her own race when they passed by or settled for a short time near the forest. Because of this, she identifies herself both fully as a Rakasha, and as the daughter of her elven parents. She and Elrithian are so accustomed to being siblings they sometimes forget this is far from obvious to others. The elves taught Erahja to protect the land, and trained her as a ranger, as she was sensitive to her surroundings, a natural tracker and also picked up the arts of combat very quickly. She also quickly became protective of her brother, who was always physically fragile spent long periods of time ill. Always carrying a wanderlust, Erahja started travelling as soon as she was able. She wished to see more of the world, more than the forest she had been thought to protect. Lately, as his health got better, Elrithian has been joining her in her travels, wishing to learn more of magic through experience. Appearance: [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] Erahja stands about 5’7 with an athletic build. She is covered in thick, brown fur, spotted like an ocelot. She was raised to be protective, and it stuck. She is also usually high spirited, quick to anger and quick to judgment, but she can equally quickly forgive or change her mind about someone if her initial impression is proved wrong. Equipment: She wears leather armour, and aside from her claws, she carries a spear, that also functions as a walking stick. A dagger for non-combat use, mostly eating and other things that most non-Rakasha considers improper to use claws for. Some other gear generally useful for travelling such as warm clothing, bedrolls and rope. Magic: None Other Tidbits: Being considered of age when your brother, over 100 years your elder is not is a rather bizarre concept and as an effect, Erahja has chosen to disregard the concept of age in general. Deciding it is too complicated and opting to use her mental energy for other things. Supporting Name: Elrithian Vaelrin Age: 189 Race: Elf Gender: Male Class: Mage Background: Elrithian’s parents were both able fighters, his mother a powerful sorceress, charged with battling corruption and neutralize evil artifacts that showed up around to forest. This took its toll on her and in the end she had to step back from this job or risk her sanity. His father was a druid, who mostly patrolled the edges of the woodlands. Elrithian himself was a physically weak child, though he had always had a strong mind and good mental defenses. Going through many periods of illness caused him to be more protected and sheltered than he would have been otherwise, but he did also spend those times reading and studying. His mother also spent much time teaching him everything she knew about magic. Even though most of his childhood was behind him when his parents brought home Erahja, he quickly accepted her as his sister. The parents were smart enough to treat their children according to how they aged racewise, and there in something to be said about being outgrown by your sister who is more than 100 years younger than you. Once his health got better, he started to join her in her travels, wishing to learn more about magic through experience, and while he made much noise himself, he proved to be quite capable. Appearance: [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] Elrithian is thin and rather pale, with long white hair and fine, even features. He could be considered beautiful, in an elven and highly unmanly kind of way. He moves with grace, but also with care, as though he was treated as if he was made of glass for so long he actually started to believe it. He dresses in magerobes, which, along with his hair, he manages to keep surprisingly clean. Elrithian does not give off a strong impression. He is mostly quiet and unobtrusive and carries a polite smile. Closer examination however, will reveal that he is also quick-witted and fully able to be both friendly and determined if the situation calls for it. He often allows Erahja to do the talking, unless some form of diplomacy or knowledge is required. Equipment: Aside from the robes he is wearing and equipment that belongs to him but is carries by Erahja, Elrithian always carries a spellbook and a bag containing herbs. He also has a dagger, though that is rarely used as a weapon. Magic: Not sure what to do with this part just yet. Other Tidbits: This is probably where I should add that Elrithian and Erahja both acquired sturdy angardian horses for their current mission.