[i]"Charming? She actually found it... charming?"[/i] Suddenly Adrian wasn't feeling so apprehensive about what he said, although the lingering feeling of embarrassment was still there. The fact that he mentioned her eyes prompted him to take another good look in them. Then he remembered hearing her say how he mentioned she looked good in a swimsuit which caused his eyes to drift downward and he abruptly stopped, controlling himself. [i]"Well, at least I know I wasn't lying."[/i] He stopped the think for a moment before finally deciding, "Alright. We can talk. I'll be back," he said before hurrying off and finding his swim trunks. Upon entering his room he remembered that the pants he was wearing were not the same ones as yesterday. [i]"Did... someone change me too? That's... even worse."[/i] However, Adrian had to wonder who would actively go out of their way to make sure he didn't go to bed with wet clothing on. "[i]Dillon..."[/i] A grin spread across his face. [i]"That girl..."[/i] Adrian changed into his swim trunks but hesitated to take off his shirt, but realized he already did it last night. Meaning both Lydia and Dillon already saw his scar covered body. He suddenly grew self-conscious of this fact, and began to hate alcohol, but even more so he hated himself for allowing it to happen. Adrian sighed, taking off his shirt and tossing it aside. [i]"Might as well rock it,"[/i] Adrian returned to the jacuzzi and relaxed into it. "Note to self: meditate in jacuzzi next time." Dillon stood up alongside him, "I think we're more important to them than they know right now. I know Adrian would do some... unfavorable things if I weren't there for him. Yeah, that's me, but you can call me Dillon Hunt, partner of Adrian," she said as she shook his hand. "It's nice to meet you, Willow. If you need help talking to them, you can come to me, okay?"