[quote=Phobos] Viole rubbed his chin, the fact that she was actually strange bothering him even more. She appeared to be bipolar, but it was as if something else had control over it. Viole's eyes began to glow as he stared intently at Nishiki. His eyes widened, rubbing his forehead "I let my personal feelings get in way of my profession work" He said to himself. He turned to Sosuke "Please refrain from touching Nishiki, it seems that her sensitivity has been greatly increased" Viole walked in front of Nishiki, looking into her eyes. He turned to Sosuke "I'm sorry, but this is something others should see" He moved his hand in front of Sosuke's face "Inemuri" A blue disc formed, catching Sosuke and changing its shape so he could land softly Viole lowered his hand and turned to Nishiki, his fingertips on his right hand emitting a white, ghoulish like reiatsu "This won't hurt, but you'll feel a strange sensation throughout your body....sorry!" He yelled, closing his eyes as he placed his fingertips on her left breast, over her heart. A rush would surge throughout her body as his fingertips would sink into her body. It would only last for seconds as a black seal formed over her breast, sealing the enhanced sensitivity. He pulled his fingertips out of her body as the seal finished forming. [/quote] (you didn't have to knock him out you know! >.> could have asked him to leave for a moment...) Sosuke listened to the Captain and thought about it and it was true...she had been growing more sensitive but why? it's such a weird thing to have happen to someone. Was this how she usually was? regardless he'd find out...this interested him, how a person could become so sensitive that even the lightest touch makes them loose it a little. Sosukes thoughts were then snapped away as the Captain spoke to him and then put his hand infront of his face...after that...it went black (Well you two can post back and forth now)