[quote=Kurisa] Kurisa listened to the three and watched as they seemed to all agree with this...well...Sasha had no choice. "Very well then. The mission is rather simple, I need you to go investigate some strange happenings in South District 69 (giggity) I believe that there lies a Shinigami we need captured for his betrayal and murder of many innocent beings, the strange thing is a lot of souls going missing from the distract which leads me to believe this is the man..." Kurisa slid a picture of the man across the table for each of them to look at "Memorize this face...this is the man you are looking for. Now waste no time...you are dismissed" Sasha looked at the picture then to the Captain before nodding and running out of the room "" Kurisa was somewhat shocked at Sasha's excitement...this man wasn't weak and to say this was a punishment she seemed to be enjoying it [/quote] Henry listened to the details of the mission and took a good look at the picture, Henry nodded at the details and gave a smile, it sounded like more fun than what he had been doing, not that what he had been doing with Sango wasn't fun, it was but every once in a while Henry just wanted to have a good fight, without someone crying. Sasha seemed rather excited as she burst out of the room yelling lets go capture this guy. Henry sighed and bowed before the Captain before chasing off towards Sasha making sure not to step in front of her so she didn't run him over.