Yu's lips curl into a cat smile as the boy expresses concern over his sanity. [i]'He followed, yet he questions on if the something was actually following was something to be followed'[/i] His tail waves slowly back and forth, much of his anxiety tapering off after the run. As his hear rate returns to normal he begins pacing back and forth over the arch, his eyes remaining locked on the boy below. [i]'Should I answer? I took him this far, away from the haunts of all of my kind I know about which dwell in this city. Why would I not speak? He speaks to me, not with fear of me in his voice, but fear for himself and his mind'[/i] Stopping in the middle of the arch Yu walks to the very edge and sits down, his tail curling around his feet. [i]'It would be cruel to not assuage his fears when it is as simple as a touch of reassurance'[/i] Bringing up a paw he rubs it over one ear, licking it as it comes before his mouth. “You are not crazy Young One, least not if your proof of this would be my appearance in your life and my inexplicable actions.” A low purr rumbles through his chest as he puts his paw back on the stone. “Just because the world has chosen to forget about us, or simply deny our existence over the ages, does not mean we exist no longer. I and my kind have always been, and will always be, for it is in our nature to adapt, and adapt we have.” Letting out a yawn Yu lays down, his paws danging over the edge of the arch. The winds pick up and a small cloud passes over the sun, catching the area into a faint shadow. “I can not speak for long, other humans come, so the wind tells me.” The sun comes once more from behind the clouds and the warmth relaxes Yu's feline body, drawing forth another yawn. “I have watched you, day after day, my nature bringing from my a sympathy I had long forgotten as I saw how it is you suffer. My race has always felt protective of humans, but your suffering draws me in a way different than other.” His eyes fall once more to look into the young human's. “That is all I can say, for my understanding is little more than this on the matter of my earlier actions, and the others draw near.” With that Yu lays his head down, keeping only one eye open to watch the boy.