[s]I can't post because The Fault In Our Stars as damaged me emotionally and I need time to recuperate[/s] In all honesty, The Fault In Our Stars did make me cry for like an hour, but I digress. I don't have time to post anything in the IC anytime soon because I'm studying for 4 AP tests, 7 finals, and practicing for a concert and an audition.... Ugh. And late work that I haven't turned in because [img=http://i.imgur.com/ySvaTHi.jpg] [img=http://i.imgur.com/UKI7pe4.png] [img=http://24.media.tumblr.com/215cee8f8a6edb5c56f5baa9c7560c5c/tumblr_n0clq8hYj01r0kdoeo3_r3_500.png] So.... Might take a while, until the exams are over. If you guys are willing to wait that long, great! But if not, I'm sure that Hae (er... Sixsmith) would be able to make an opening post. Since, co-GM, and producer, so it works, right? What do you say, Hae? Opinions, comments, questions, concerns...? I'll be lurking cuz I'm a procrastinator and I have nothing better to do. So yeah.