"Amelia. Amelia Smally." She nodded her head slightly, nuzzling Beelzebub at the same time. "Aren't they just precious little things? I wonder how big they will grow?" Beelzebub looked curiously at the equally sized Manticore, purring at him curiously. [i]'Who are you?'[/i] A childish voice appeared to resonate from the dragon's throat, though its lips didn't part. [i]'I'm Beelzebub!'[/i] His large round eyes stared at the furry creature intently, studying him. The manticore was much more furrier than the dragon, which made him slightly confused, where was his fur? His skin was scaly and rough. "Ugh, so precious, I just wanna eat them up!" She placed her hands on her cheeks and made a puckered face.