Azami sharply turned her head, and put a finger to her lips. "Quiet" she hissed. This must be her roommate. She looked innocent enough and frail enough. Perhaps she could convert her into an underling, she always needed someone to do things for her. SeƱora Dango woke up with a yawn and giggled. It looked as if she was finally rested. Azami gently picked up the bundled up creature and poked its face. It arched its brow angrily. "Sorry..." she mumbled in apology. She then turned back to her new roommate and gestured to the other side of the room. "You can go ahead and unpack, I won't hurt you, thats only if you irritate me. And stop looking at me like I killed someone, its irritating me" Azami sneered before turning back to poking her familiar.