The man the aide took them to see seemed to be a pretty cut-and-dry individual, skipping virtually all pleasantries and getting straight to the heart of the matter. At the same time, however, he didn't criticize them needlessly or with malice, he merely gave them advice on how to better function as a patrol. His advice seemed to be focused only on whether or not an individual could be stealthy, as he spent more time addressing Thorgili and Sharphorn than herself, merely suggesting that she try to impart some of her tendencies to her companions. Once he was finished giving them some advice, however, he suggested that they go practice with some of the weapons and such around the area in order for them to get a better assessment of their skills and see where they stand. After the meeting was over with, Runa figured that they might as well take his suggestion to practice their skills. "What do you want to start with, Sharphorn?" she asked, looking around that myriad individuals who were busy testing and improving their skills. Most of them were focusing on melee combat at the moment, which wasn't bad. Runa just preferred her bow or throwing daggers to actually being up close to someone with a weapon. There was a lower risk of getting maimed that way.