"Al-alright." Laho said, both unfamiliar with talking to people, and frightened by how this person appeared. She walked to the other side of the room, and dragged her bag with her using her empty hand. She opened the bag, and inside were various things. On top were the more standard things. Clothes, small accessories, but underneath those were an entire collection of books. Most of the books were encyclopedias about animals, and plants. All of these books together could probably take up one or two shelves, but it was still impressive that someone carried a large collection of encyclopedias with them. She placed her clothes in proper spots, and kept the books stacked under her bed. After she was done, she sat on her bed. Carrion walked into the room afterwards. He was wary of Laho's new roommate, mostly because Laho overreacted upon seeing the roommate. The hydra kept to the walls, and began attempting to jump onto the bed, each time failing. Laho bent over and picked him up. "So... What's your name?" Laho asked, in a quiet tone.