Andrew had just about finished his planning before he noticed the music coming from somewhere in the park. He, slightly irritated by the unexpected sound, stood up and made his way to where the sound was coming from. He looked up to see a woman in what looked like some kind of Japanese clothing. The sound of the crowd cheering was enough to knock you off your feet. If Andrew weren’t used to the sounds of the casino it might have been too much for him. ‘Who is that?’ Seven asked in its usual curious way. After looking for a while, Andrew realised he had no idea who they were. He didn’t listen to much music, it wasn’t something that really interested him. “No idea” He said as he yawned and leant against a fence. To tell the truth he had no idea why he even walked in there. Usually he would have drawn a card to decide, but this time he just went off on his own. It was then that he heard his phone make the strange noise in his pocket. “Great” He said as he pulled it out and looked at it. “All that work for nothing” With one distraction, all of the preparation he had done was washed down the drain. He let out a loud sigh before running his hands through his hair. ‘It’s all gone’ Seven said in a monotone voice. “I know it’s all gone!” Andrew yelled as he walked his way back towards the seat he was at before. “Right, now I will get back to what I was doing before I came here…” He stood perfectly still for a moment before he came to a realisation. “What was I doing before?” He asked himself with a slightly irritated tone. ‘I forget too’ Seven replied. After a frustrated little dance, Andrew resolved to get some lunch and headed over to the café across the street. He ordered a sandwich and a coffee before sitting at a table and reading through his diary, wondering just what else could go wrong today.