"Amelia... Smally. That is an interesting last name Smally," Blanca said smiling nuzzling into Lenio's shoulder. "I've read that Manticores grow to be twice the size of regular lions. Big enough to ride," she said rather excited. Lenio purred out, and looked at Beelzebub his ears twitching a bit. '[i]I'm Lenio, it's the name mama Blanca gave me. It's nice to meet you Beelzebub.[/i]' The cubs voice was a purring soft voice of a child's it came from his voice being transmitted only into Beelzebub's mind. '[i]Do you wanna play with me? I'm really bored so I've been sleeping a lot.[/i]' Lenio said his tail beginning to swish a little in excitement. Lenio didn't seem to mind that Beelzebub wasn't like him, that his skin was scaly and rough. He just wanted to play with someone his size. "I got an idea why don't we let them play for a bit. I've read in books that it's good for animals to play with one another. Keeps them active, and happy," Blanca said smiling.