Hatsune woke up in her visually relaxing bedroom it's even aromatic because their maid used to spray aromatic air fresheners around her room.Hatsune yawned then proceed downstairs where she sees her big brother eating breakfast."Goooood Mooorniinngg!!!! Big Brother!!!" She greeted her brother with morning back kick."Ouch!" her brother groaned in pain "Do you always have to do that? Every single morning!?" her brother said angrily."Oh come on Big Brother.... that is how I say good morning to you :3" she answered combined with a pose and a smile."Whatever..... just eat your breakfast" her brother responded."Yay!!!! Thank you big brother!!! :) " and her brother smiled. After eating breakfast, Hatsune returned to her room to freshen up.She started with brushing her teeth and took a bath afterwards.After taking a bath, Hatsune said to herself "It's the first day of school! i'm so excited, i hope I can have new friends and I hope my friends were my classmates" she giggled then she wears her uniform.She sprayed some perfume then she is ready to go! but she almost forgot her makeup.She doesn't leave without her makeup so she returned to her room and took it then left saying goodbye to her parents and her big brother. Also, she remembered her dream while she was walking.She remembers being in the dark with Dominick.It was very strange because she is not that close with Dominick.Hatsune felt cold like she was in a middle of a snowstorm.Hatune tried to cleared her mind but she won't get the dream out of her.Hatsune tried everything to get that dream out of her but it won't work.Now, Hatsune felt a slight headache,She collapsed to the ground.