"Impressive," Amelia seemed rather shocked at the sheer size of a full grown Manticore. "I've never really known how big a size a dragon gets, they are all so undetermined, there are too many variations." She squatted onto the ground and placed Beelzebub onto the ground, she rested her elbows on her knees. "It also stimulates growth, right? I heard that human babies stimulate their senses by interacting with things around them, maybe it's the same with familiars?" The tiny dragon stood onto his legs, his tiny feet feeling the pavement below him. He hasn't felt this since he spent most of his time on Amelia's shoulder. Beelzebub flicked the tip of his tail and looked at Lenio, blinking at him. '[i]Let's play![/i]' Beelzebub crouched down, his small arms barely hovering over the ground, he slightly resembled a tiny T-Rex. He shook his rump and made a few clicking noises with the roof of his mouth.