Erik had never been a patient man. Sure, he could wait if he had to, but he preferred to be up and around while doing so. He would pace, listen to music, read, something to keep his mind occupied. But right now, the nervous energy and the fear from having been captured had his mind practically vibrating in a restless state. But at the same time, his body felt tired and weak, as his energy was being sapped away by the binding chains. It seemed that this strange new owner had been in his restroom for ages. The door was soundproof, and he had not seen the inside when the human had opened it, so he had no way of knowing that there were a few large pools inside, or that the strange human was swimming. After what seemed like an eternity, Erik heard the man emerge and begin to speak. He noticed the elegant bathrobe, but in his mind it was just overly extravagant clothing. [i]Alexi Vandros. CEO of that horrible slave control device company? EleCon, I think? Why the heck would someone like him want little old me? Being a cell Leader doesn't make me THAT valuable.[/i] He took a deep breath to try and remain calm, knowing that pure anger was not going to help him escape this situation. “Thanks for the introduction, Alexi. Though it is customary to mention your name to your victim [i]prior[/i] to abducting and chaining him to a bed. Or, you know, to just skip that latter part altogether. You still have not told me what your purpose is in abducting me. I want specifics, not vague descriptions that are meaningless to me. What 'great things'? What 'solution'? I'm not lashing out at you any more, so tell me what I need to do to be out of these chains, or preferably out of this house,” the vampire leader requested. His tone had begun as casually sarcastic and indignant, but as he continued, it morphed into one that was more curious and concerned. But at no point did he sound desperate, and though he was still angry, it was a far more controlled and less hostile anger, seeming to simmer underneath the surface rather than to lash out at Alexi. At no point did had the vampire even raised his voice. After Erik's initial panic, he had found a measure of calm within himself that had served him so well as a rebel soldier and leader. ~*~*~*~ Joseph entered the small cottage and presented the sandwich to Master Mois before sitting down as directed. Unfortunately, he was quickly confused and rather embarrassed by the question, as he did not fully understand what Mois meant. “As far as I can tell, everything is going smoothly. The servants are working at the usual efficiency, no major problems have arisen -” Then it hit him, and with a look of comprehension dawning across his pale visage, he spoke with a greater understanding. “The completely wild vampire. He's here isn't he?” He had become quite skilled at controlling and concealing his emotions, but for a moment his eyes glowed a dark red for a moment, showing that he was more than a little angry that Master Alexi had not seen fit to inform him of the other creature's arrival. How was he to keep the household safe if he was not informed of these developments?! But he would never criticize either of his Masters. For years he had been unable, and now he was simply unwilling. Even though he was no longer “hard” broken, the submission was still very much a part of his psyche. So he simply said, “I was not informed of the vampire's arrival until just now, so I do not know how Master Alexi is faring with the captive. The other servants, even those that assisted me in setting up the bedroom, are unaware of the truth, and I can ensure that it remains that way for as long as you and Master Alexi require.” [i]Of course, I could have done so more easily if Master Alexi had kept me informed, but it is not too late now.[/i]