[b]Name:[/b] Rose Wilson [b]Alias:[/b] Ravager [b]Role:[/b] Titan (16 years old) [hider=Brief Bio] Born to Lilian Worth on a cold December night in 2000, Rose Worth grew up as a very self-sufficient child. As her mother worked in a brothel for most of her life, Rose had learned at a very early age how to fend for herself. She attended the poorest of the schools, getting barely passing grades all through-out. It wasn’t that she wasn’t smart; she just didn’t feel like applying herself too much. She continued to grow, and for all she knew, her father left her and her mother for them to fend for themselves, so the seed of hatred for a father she never knew began to grow in her. When Rose turned 14, things became more…complicated. Upon coming home one night from spending a weekend at a friends, Rose found that her mother had yet to come home, and an hour later there were police at her door, explaining that her mother had died. It was pegged as random gang violence with two gunshot wounds straight to the chest. She had died quickly and painlessly. Rose ran before the cops could take her to any kind of foster home, putting it in her head that she would just be homeless for a while. It was during this time that Rose met Jason Todd, at the time better known as Robin. Jason had shown her mercy, recognizing how much of a hard time she was going through and instead of turning her in for breaking into a convenient store, offered to train her. Nearly six months had gone by and Rose had turned 16. Suddenly, seemingly out of the blue, Slade Wilson had caught up to Rose and told her that he was her father and that he had legally gained full custody of her and Rose took the last name Wilson, finally getting off the streets and 'bed hopping' to live with her father. Feeling a bit better about herself (but not much), Rose decided to join the Titans where she decided to put her training with Jason to use. After being with the Titans for just a little under three months, it was then revealed that Slade also had an alter-ego…Deathstroke. Wanting nothing but to please her father, when not with the Titans she became a little ‘gopher’ for Slade for small tasks that helped to aid him on his own missions. He began to train her, privately of course as to not draw any unwanted attention. It was during one of these little missions that Rose came upon a dual set of blades, able to cut through anything except for flesh itself. She took them as her own and showed them to her father. It was then that her training became much more serious. Her combat skills were improving with each and every day while training with Slade but he kept her busy by teaching her to be a jack-of-all-trades when it came to weaponry, but still her favored weapon were her blades. Dual training with Jason Todd, she really started to become a well-rounded fighter, a deadly threat to anyone that crossed her path as you had no idea what she would do next. Now at nearly 17, still not a soul knows she has been training with a deadly mercenary, and she intended to keep it that way. The Titans wouldn’t exactly understand the intentions of her father, especially since they had come across him at one point under…unfriendly terms.[/hider] [Hider=Abilities] She has received some training from Jason Todd, including the virtues of being a hero. And of course has had training from Deathstroke in secret. She also possesses a precognitive sense that lets her see into the immediate future. This allows her to react to oncoming attacks against her and to counter them accordingly. She currently wields twin energy katanas that can cut through anything except flesh, and briefly [i]merge[/i] into an energy shield. She also carries with her a small stash of adrenaline, both because she is addicted to the substance, and also because while high on adrenaline her precognitive sense evolves into the ability to glimpse scenes from her immediate future. However, the more she uses adrenaline to enhance her powers, the more her metabolism is unbalanced, straining her health. (She has not been injected with the super serum as of yet)[/hider] [hider=Personality] Stubborn, prefers to do things alone, bitter, secretive, seductive, determined, tough, trust issues. However among those select few she [i]does[/i] trust, she can be a good friend. Loyal, protective and a good listener.[/hider] [b]Appearance:[/b] [Hider=Rose Wilson][img=http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-5eJg3psu2QM/TfMTyNf8xKI/AAAAAAAAJmA/COjkYTwdx70/s640/Modern%2B-And%2B-Cool%2B-Celebrity%2B-Blonde%2B-Hairstyles-%2Bof%2B-2011%2B%25287%2529.jpg][/Hider] [hider=Titans Costume][img=http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m9fjiu9QL91rbuwb8o2_1280.png][/hider] [Hider=Costume when working for Deathstroke][img=http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d94/Malfoys_one_and_only_girl/Female%20Characters/ravager_colors_by_olivernome-d425cgi.jpg][/Hider] [hider=Affiliation] [i]Still working on this[/i] [B]Mentors[/B] Deathstroke: Father and secret trainer. She wants nothing but to please him, and will go to great lengths to impress him. The Red Hood: Rose and Jason's relationship goes far back when Jason was still Robin. Their on-again-off-again unlabeled relationship is probably the most unstable thing the city of Gotham has ever seen, though they still remain to be there for one another and continually push the other to better their training. Iron Fist: While acting somewhat as an older brother to her, Rose won't take his sympathy. If anything she feels as if he is trying to baby her and take up the mantle as someone she can go to for advise. What he doesn't know is that she already has that someone, her father, and rejects Iron Fists help refusing to let him in. [B]Titans:[/B] Superboy: A bit of a pain in her side, Ravager has a sort of love/hate relationship with the Kryptonian. Easy to jab at and a rather useful play-toy, the fact that he's still a Super rubs her the wrong way. Scorpion: The day Tim Parker joined the Titans, Rose felt a small soft spot for him. He was young, inexperienced, and confused...a lot like how she felt when she first joined the Titans. Rose then took it upon herself to take Tim under her wing a bit, looking after him like a big sister would. The two are very close and it goes without saying that Rose would do absolutely anything for him. Talon: N/A Arsenal: Roses mentor when Jason died. Roy helps Rose with her long-ranged weapon training and even combat training when Iron Fist isn't available. Ricochet: Considered to be Ravager's only 'wanted' partner in the field, Ricochet keeps Rose's head on her shoulders and her head held high when things get tough. It's been hard keeping Ricochet in the dark about her father, as she feels that he is someone she could trust with that information, but she just can't bring herself to do it. Still though, he's a good friend. Amethyst: [B]Infinity INC.[/B] Blossom: N/A [/hider] [b]Other:[/b] Rose still smokes Being Half Australian, Rose has a slight twinge of an accent like her father.