[Center][img]http://i.imgur.com/oq0j2AI.png[/img][/center] Voice sounding far off and distant, Jasper's response was short and hollowed of emotion. He had known all along that she was the nervous type, but he didn't know that the slime slaughtering had affected her that much. Blinking at her multiple times, she stood up and disappeared through the bush, white candied leaves parting momentarily and then snapping back together the moment her flesh escaped its natural inclination to its previous shape. In all honesty, he wasn't so sure if he was ready to go out and fight more of those globular critters. Green goo crawled down his face, the viscous substance was quite unpleasant in texture and smell. One could expect the monsters that emerged from the sugar hyped surroundings to taste or share the same sweetness its habitat had to offer, yet the slimes were the exact opposite. They looked largely unappealing, like a nasty, snot-encased booger just itching to be picked out. Lesley felt his stomach rumble and churn as he felt the immediate urge to get the revolting substance off of his face and hair. Searching the area for any type of material that would help rid off the muck, his scavenge hunt ended without success for everything around him would only serve to worsen his messy situation. Sugar leaves were already finding their way onto the goop lathered strands of his hair and sticking themselves their, acting like ornaments dangling from a Christmas tree. Out of desperation, he ended up tearing off a section of his shirt to use as a handkerchief in order to remove the slime saliva from his face. Peeking out from behind the tall bush, he felt guilty for being so selfish and useless as he watched his human comrades fighting with all the energy that they could muster, the various and contrasting display of powers made for a gorgeous show. Flinging the dirtied clothing scrap upon wiping himself clean, he finally emerged from the bush to come face to face with a scene straight out of a romantic film. Hakuren had his lips interlocked with the albino chick, both held their eyes closed and seemingly enjoying the passionate act. Squealing quietly, he stalked around the couple and rejoined the rest of the worn out humans. Looking bedraggled and exhausted, Lesley had only dealt with a dozen or so of the mini globs when he protected Jasper earlier, while they worked on defeating the mother slime and countless hoards upon hoards of it progeny, but already his inexperience with controlling and pacing his amulet was tiring him out. Noticing two new faces, the handsome male introduced himself politely while his equally sexy wife walked off in a dissatisfied huff. Too bad he was married to a grouch. Lesley was always eager to meet new people and since arriving in Nowhere, the place hadn't failed to introduce him to attractive humans and Nobodies alike. [B]Avian:[/b] “I’m Avian Rider, that’s my wife Victoria Sieghart. We’re members of the Royal Dragoons, the elite force which is tasked with the security of the royal family. During times of war, the Royal Dragoons are also the ones supposed to spearhead our forces, which is why she’s upset. We both want to return to the aid of our comrades as soon as possible, so if all of you would please cooperate to make this excursion a pleasant and efficient experience for both of our parties." Lesley couldn't agree more. It was only his first mission and already these tasks had proven their level of difficulty to be high up there as well as the seriousness of the quests. Vincent was limping and looked severely injured, his ankle looking twisted in painfully improper positions. “Alright, in formation now! Oh except for you guys. Everyone else, get into formation and we’re marching out! Good job, you guys!”  Following her orders, they all formed another ordered line up yet again. Travelling on foot for the rest of the way to the castle, Zephy zoomed off, leaving them as they arrived at the Kingdom of Sol.