[center][b]PROTETTORE[/b] Protettore listened carefully as the human recalled the actions of what happened and tried not to butt in to ask questions. He needed to deal with this quickly and then find out what the situation was with that mysterious long haired woman that had shown up in his fortress, so he had no time to waste. " I see...." He muttered darkly, tightening his hands into fists, " Rioz, those fools. Just wait until I see them again..." He trialed off in an ominous tone, completely ignoring Adrien now. The Rioz family were always one step away from getting their shit wrecked, but now that they had somehow convinced one of his men to turn on him, and had hurt Vencentio in the process, then they were going to pay. And soon. But for now he had this human to deal with, a spirit to find and sort out, and then take down the Rioz once and for all. But with Vencentio resting, he would probably have to take Valente and Marcellina with him and make this a personal mission. Just the thought of getting back into the field and killing some Rioz scum got his blood pumping. Turning his attention back to the human, Tori grabbed the back of his neck and brought him closer, bearing his fangs, " Your information was useful, but you know too much about my fortress' location and members so you must die now." He said, completely unfazed, and tilted the boy's head so it exposed his neck. He leaned in, ready to deliver the bite of death when- [i]"WAIT!!!"[/i] [b]VALENTE[/b] It was only by Oz's divine greatness that Valente managed to get to the cells in time to stop Protettore from killing the only hope he had left. He arrived just as his Boss was about to swoop in for the kill and he cried out, " WAIT! NO! STOP!" Protettore, thankfully, stopped in time and turned to face him with the darkest expression the wizard had ever seen on him. " What do you want? As you can see, I. Am. Busy." His words were like venom and Valente felt like crying all over again. But he pulled through and held his ground. If he could face off against the Prince of Hell, he could face Protettore. Maybe. Probably. Hopefully. So he threw on his best smile and approached the vampire and his prey. " Wellllll, you see here Boss, remember the creepy woman from before? The one with the hair? Yes, well, I managed to stop the threat and took away her powers! Yes, go me! But...well...after a series of unfourtante events, THAT I COULD NOT CONTROL!!!!, Imightofaccidentlybondedthespiritandthathumanyou'reholdingandifhediesshewillbreakfreeandpossiblykilleveryoneinthisfortressoutofanger." There was a moment of silence between the three men. Valente was gasping for air, the human was probably stunned and Protettore had on his best poker face. Finally, after Valente regained control of his breathing, Tori released the human from his clutches, only to push him towards the wizard, " This is your mess so you clean it up. If I see that bitch again Valente, I will hold you personally responsible. And even if I can't kill you, I will make it so you wish that I had." He spat and stormed out of the room. Valente laughed as the Don retreated up the stairs, but it was more of a hysterical 'ohmygodialmostdied' kind of laugh that quickly turned into sobbing. If only those two idiot children of Tori's had kept away and not messed any of this up, Valente could be relaxing with an ice cold glass of tea or something, instead of babysitting this human. Speaking of which.... " Hello there!" He ceased his dramatic cries and turned towards the human. " You're probably wondering what is going on and why you've possibly seen a spirit with long hair around, but don't worry I'll explain everything so your little human mind can understand, okay! Also, it looks like we're going to be the best of friends now so we might as well know each other's names, right? I'm Valente and I'm going to be your protector from now on!" He beamed and held his hand out for the other to take. [b]TRIXXTAL[/b] Trixxtal was worried that Protettore hadn't received his message of distress when he didn't receive one back. Had Protettore gotten his message? Had he sent it correctly? No matter how many times someone taught him, Trixxtal could never get the hang of this...'texting' thing that everyone was so crazy about. Oh, how he remembered the fond memories of when sending messages were as easy as writing a letter in a bottle and sending it off into the waves, or through the post office or carrier pigeon or what have you. But now, now you had this stupid electronic device with too many buttons and too many functions that just got on your nerves and what made it worse was that this new model that Jecht bought him didn't even have buttons. It was just a screen that lit up when you touched it and that only made Trixxtal more confused. When he didn't receive a message back within the next few minutes, he decided to abandon the hope that Protettore would help him out and tried to deal with Jecht's anger himself. " I don't know Jecht, I kind of like it? It suits you! The colors really bring out...your personality?" He tried, but failed at consoling the enraged vampire. Honestly, Trixxtal felt like going over there himself and slapping that moronic wizard into next week for daring to touch Jecht's precious hair, but he had to be sensible about this. No matter how much they hated that blasted wizard, he was vital for Protettore's safety and well being and needed to stay alive. But then again, it had been a while since they saw Protettore and Ryo and Ryuu and it would be delightful to see them again. " No, you're right, let's kill him. Let's kill him in his sleep."[/center]